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Workshop on AUV Science in Extreme Environments

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cover5.inddCollaborative Autosub Science in Extreme Environments

Proceedings of the International Science Workshop, held 11–13 April 2007 at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, UK

*Special Offer of £170 for both volumes when purchased with
Masterclass in AUV Technology for Polar Science

ISBN 0 906940 50 8, ISBN–13 978 0 906940 50 1
Hardbound, 202 pp, Colour, 2008
Order Reference C39,  Price: Non-members £95, members £85.50

Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are well suited for the task of gathering data and making observations from some of the most extreme environments on earth. This workshop brought together an international group of scientists and engineers to review a range of missions that have been tacked by AUVs in extreme environments, from beneath polar ice to deep–sea hydrothermal vent sites, and to examine the science and technology requirements for the future. This volume provides a record of AUV achievements and outlines of plans for using AUVs and other vehicles in extreme environments through the contributed papers and abstracts, and provides pointers for the future from the records of discussions.

  • Foreword – G Griffiths
  • Prefaces: AUVs in the Context of Global Climate Change £ C Summerhayes; Where Might AUV Science Go? – K Heywood
  • Ice/Ocean Interactions: Urgent Questions for AUVs – D Vaughan
  • Turbulent Heat Flux, Salt Flux and Friction Velocity from an AUV under Arctic Summer Pack Ice – D Hayes, J Morison and M McPhee
  • Seabed Photography from an AUV – D Jones, S McPhail, B Bett, C Flewellen and M Conquer
  • A Comparison of Swath–Bathymetric Imagery from High–Latitude Glacier–Influenced Fjords Derived from AUV, ROV and Shipboard Systems £ JA Dowdeswell, R Noormets, J Evans, G Griffiths, RD Larter and C Cofaigh
  • Animals as Exploratory Underwater Vehicles – L Boehme, M Biuw, M Fedak, K Nicholls, Sally Thorpe and M Meredith
  • Deployments of an Underwater Glider at the Mouth of Illulissat Fjord, Greenland – R Bachmayer and B de Young
  • Ice–Borehole ROV £ a New Tool for Subglacial Research – S Vogel, RD Powell, I Griffith, K Anderson, T Lawson and SA Schiraga
  • Hydrothermal Exploration Using WHOI’s ABE AUV – C German, DR Yoerger, M Jakuba, A Bradley, TM Shank and K Nakamura
  • Glider Experiments from Cyprus: Continuous Surveys in the Levantine Basin £ D Hayes G Zodiatis and G Georgiou
  • Charting Lacustrine Environments with UBC–Gavia – AL Forrest and B Laval
  • Seasonal Thermal Structure of Pavilion Lake £ AL Forrest and B Laval; Developing AUVs for Science – J Ferguson and L Mackay
  • Autosub6000 £ a Long–Range and Deep–Diving AUV – S McPhail
  • Exploration of Hydrothermal Vents on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean, Using AUVs – SE Humphris, RA Reves–Sohn, H Singh, TM Shank and HN Edmonds
  • MUN Explorer AUV: Current and Future Plans for Science in Extreme Environments – S Adams, R Lewis and N Bose
  • Brief Overview of Some Collaborative Efforts between UUVs and UAVs in the United States – ML Patterson and A Brescia
  • Subglacial Environments – Potential for AUV and ROV Operation in Sub–Ice Environments – S Vogel
  • Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: Exploration and Technologies – M Mowlem, C Floquet and the Lake Ellsworth Consortium
  • plus records of group breakout sessions and summaries of the NERC Autosub Under Ice projects


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