- Diving and Crewed Submersibles
- Education
- Environmental Forces (SUTGEF)
- Marine Renewable Energies
- OSIG (Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics) and ECOSIGG
- SUT - Policy Advisory
- Salvage and Decommissioning
- Subsea Engineering and Operations (SEO) Atlantic & Europe
- Panel on Underwater Robotics
- Young Professionals International
- Marine Environmental Science
- UXO (Unexploded Ordnance)
Specialist Interest Groups
Within the SUT, the membership have formed various special interest groups covering: diving and submersibles, education and training, environmental forces, marine renewable energies, ocean resources, offshore site investigation and geotechnics, policy advisory, salvage and decommissioning, subsea engineering and operations, underwater robotics and underwater science. Take a look to see what's going on in their world.

To provide a forum for the development, and for the inter–disciplinary and inter–organisation communication, of all aspects of professional diving and manned submersible technology and operations.
Diving and Crewed Submersibles

To identify educational objectives for the Society and to offer appropriate commentary and advice in such matters.

SUT Group on Environmental Forces (SUTGEF) exists to advance and disseminate knowledge on the environmental forces that act on offshore structures.
Environmental Forces (SUTGEF)

The identification, exploration and exploitation of renewable energy technologies in, on and beneath the world’s waters, seas and oceans, and the consideration of the environmental implication of their exploitation.
Marine Renewable Energies

To provide a recognised forum concerning offshore site investigation, foundation behaviour and associated areas of geophysics, geology, geotechnics and the offshore environment.
OSIG (Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics) and ECOSIGG

To provide a forum through which the Society can formulate and express its views on all policies that affect marine science, technology and engineering matters within the Society’s sphere of interests.
SUT – Policy Advisory

The International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee undertakes its activities using a structured agenda that focuses on three key themes: Life, Property and the Environment.
Salvage and Decommissioning

Subsea engineering and operations embraces all aspects of engineering and related operations in the development of the subsea hydrocarbons industry below the surface of the sea. The aim of the Committee is to establish subsea engineering as a recognised discipline of engineering and to examine the needs for education, training and standards.
Subsea Engineering and Operations (SEO) Atlantic & Europe

SUT is proud to be a partner in the Horizon 2020 BRIDGES programme
Panel on Underwater Robotics

Our various branches around the world all offer support for young professionals. You can find out more from your local branch here: Perth – YES! (Young Engineers and Scientists) Houston – Student Chapters, Learning Programmes UK – SUT+ in London or Aberdeen

Young Professionals International

A forum for professionals from industry, academia, and government to discuss and share ideas, technologies, applications, concepts, and policies for marine environmental science.

Marine Environmental Science

The UXO SIG was formed in early 2021 to address issues with UXO in the marine environment particularly in the offshore wind industry. The forum is for professionals from industry, academia and government to discuss and share ideas, technologies, applications, concepts and guidance for dealing with UXO when developing projects.

UXO (Unexploded Ordnance)

This new special interest group is a forum for women engineers, scientists, technologists, and others working in the subsea and wider marine sector to share insights from their experience working in the industry.