SUT Head Office

The Society for Underwater Technology is a Charity Registered in the UK: Reg Charity No. 256659 (England and Wales) and SC043942 (Scotland).

VAT no. GB 242 3504 95


Cheryl Burgess
[email protected]
Membership & Finance Officer
Jane Hinton
[email protected]
Publications & Communications Officer
Emily Boddy
[email protected]
Events & Training Officer
Clare Parisi
[email protected]
Katie Fearon
[email protected]

Head Office

Nunn Hayward LLP
2-4 Packhorse Road
Gerrards Cross, SL9 7QE
(correspondence address only)


General: + 44 (0)7947 911992

e: [email protected]

Events: [email protected]

Podcast: [email protected]

Website/Communications/Publications: +44 (0)7517 434764