Kuala Lumpur 2nd International Subsea Processing Conference

19 April, 2018


Registration 08.00: Presentations 09:00–17:00 Networking 17.00-20:00

Registration Fees
SUT Members RM800: Non-Members RM1000

The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) KL Branch invites you to its 2nd , 1-day International Conference on the theme of subsea processing and the seafloor factory , held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

Following the success of the 1st conference in October 2015, it has been decided to continue the event with the 2nd conference being organised for this coming April 2018. It is the opportunity for all the suppliers, contractors and operators to give an update of their latest developments together with the sharing of their ongoing experiences under the following program.

08:00-09:00 : Registration and Networking Coffee
09:00-10:30 : Session 1 – The operators and consultants expectations
10:30-11:00 : Morning Coffee and Tea
11:00-12:30 : Session 2 – The suppliers update – new and not so new technologies
12:30-13:30 : Lunch and Networking
13:30-15:00 : Session 3 – The niche technologies enablers update
15:00-15:30 : Afternoon Coffee and Tea
15:30-17:00 : Session 4 – The installation contractors view points and experiences
17:00-20:00 : Networking drinks and canapés

To register for the event, please RSVP to [email protected]

Please click here for more information and the flyer.

Presentation and Sponsoring opportunities are still available do not wait!
Contact the SUT KL Branch today