Privacy Policy

Society for Underwater Technology Privacy Notice


1.0              Introduction

This document lets you know why we collect and process your personal data, what we do with it and what we use it for.

Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) are the “Data Controller” of the personal data you provide to us.  We only collect and process what we need in order to provide our services to you.

A primary purpose of SUT is to connect members through networking, events, collaborative opportunities and online activities, which involves the sharing of personal data directly with other members, but also externally on our website and through the media (social, press, etc).

2.0              What Information We Collect and Why

Type of Information Purpose Legal Basis
SUT Registration Forms:

Members name and business contact details, including email and telephone number.

Managing SUT membership.  Communicating for events, offers or similar. Performance of a Contract (for membership duration) and Legitimate Interest (after membership ends).
Bank account details of the member, or any other party making payment to SUT. Managing SUT membership.  The provision of services and events. Performance of a Contract and Legal Obligation.
SUT Member List:

Name and business contact details
of all SUT Members.

Information is published on the Society for Underwater Technology website. Legitimate Interests.  To enable networking and collaboration.
Photos and videos from events To use on our website, social media pages, literature and in press releases. Legitimate Interests.  These images are an integral part of the networking nature of SUT.
Mailing List:

Name and business contact
details of Member

To provide information bulletins, announcements and details of forthcoming events. Legitimate Interests. To enable knowledge sharing, information flow, networking and collaboration.

3.0              What We Do With Your Data

Your personal data is retained securely both physically and electronically in our membership, finance and email marketing systems.  We take steps to ensure the security of your information to prevent loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration or destruction.  We do not buy, sell or trade our membership lists.

Due to the multi-national nature of the Subsea Sector, information relating to the contents of the SUT website, and also from SUT events, may be shared outside of the European Economic Area.

We store data on SubscriberCRM which records members’ personal details and subscription payment information, together with non-members’ contact details were requested and consent obtained.  SubscriberCRM is GDPR compliant and provides the data required to manage our email communications.

We presently use Constant Contact to manage our electronic (email) communications, which involves sharing of your name and business contact details with them as a provider.  Whilst they are considered to be GDPR compliant through their registration with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, we are currently reviewing this provision in order to find an EU-based alternative and will update this Privacy Notice accordingly when complete.

Additionally, we use EventBrite to manage our conference and event bookings, which involves sharing your name and business contact details with them as a provider.  They are also considered to be GDPR compliant and signed up to the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, but again, we are reviewing this service to identify an EU-based alternative provider.

We will process your personal data on our systems for as long as you are a member and, for our Legitimate Interest, we will continue to process for a further 3 years.  However, you may contact us at any time to remove your details from our database.  Financial information, relating to membership and event payments, are retained as per HMRC requirements.

We review our Membership database regularly to ensure accuracy and to prevent excessive or inappropriate retention of personal data.

4.0              Your Rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights, as follows:

  • To access and obtain a copy of your data, on request
  • To change incorrect or incomplete personal data
  • To delete or stop processing your personal data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing
  • To object to the processing of your data, in certain circumstances
  • To stop processing data for a period, if data is inaccurate or there is a dispute about whether or not your interests override our legitimate grounds for processing.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, or if you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Representative.  See Section 5.0 for contact details.

If we cannot address your concerns, you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office via

5.0              Contact Details

The contact details for Society for Underwater Technology Data Protection Representative are as follows:

NAME:                   Cheryl Burgess

EMAIL:                   [email protected]

TELEPHONE:         07947 911992


1.0              Introduction

This document lets you know why we collect and process your personal data, what we do with it and what we use it for.

Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) are the “Data Controller” of the personal data you provide to us.  We only collect and process what we need in order to provide our services to you.

A primary purpose of SUT  is to connect members through networking, events, collaborative opportunities and online activities, which involves the sharing of personal data directly with other members, but also externally on our website and through the media (social, press, etc).

2.0              What Information We Collect and Why

Type of Information Purpose Legal Basis
SUT  Registration Forms:

Attendees name and business contact details, including email and telephone number.

Communicating for events, offers or similar. Performance of a Contract (for paid events) and Legitimate Interests (after the event).
Bank account details of the Attendee,
or any other party making payment to SUT .
The provision of services and events. Performance of a Contract and Legal Obligation.
Photos and videos from events To use on our website, social media pages, literature and in press releases. Legitimate Interests.  These images are an integral part of the networking nature of SUT .
Mailing List:

Name and business contact details of Attendees

To provide information bulletins, announcements and details of forthcoming events. Legitimate Interests. To enable knowledge sharing, information flow, networking and collaboration.

3.0              What We Do With Your Data

Your personal data is retained securely both physically and electronically in our administrative database, finance system and email marketing lists.  We take steps to ensure the security of your information to prevent loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration or destruction.  We do not buy, sell or trade our membership lists.

Due to the multi-national nature of the Subsea Sector, information relating to the contents of the SUT  website, and also from SUT  events, may be shared outside of the European Economic Area.

We store data on SubscriberCRM which records members’ personal details and subscription payment information, together with non-members’ contact details were requested and consent obtained.  SubscriberCRM is GDPR compliant and provides the data required to manage our email communications.

We presently use MailChimp to manage our electronic (email) communications, which involves sharing of your name and business contact details with them as a provider.  Whilst they are considered to be GDPR compliant through their registration with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, we are currently reviewing this provision in order to find an EU-based alternative and will update this Privacy Notice accordingly when complete.

Additionally, we use EventBrite to manage our conference and event bookings, which involves sharing your name and business contact details with them as a provider.  They are also considered to be GDPR compliant and signed up to the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, but again, we are reviewing this service to identify an EU-based alternative provider.

We will process your personal data on our systems to register you for the event(s) that you have signed up for and, for our Legitimate Interest, we will continue to process for a further 3 years.  However, you may contact us at any time to remove your details from our database.  Financial information, relating to event payments, are retained as per HMRC requirements.

We review our database regularly to ensure accuracy and to prevent excessive or inappropriate retention of personal data.

4.0              Your Rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights, as follows:

  • To access and obtain a copy of your data, on request
  • To change incorrect or incomplete personal data
  • To delete or stop processing your personal data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing
  • To object to the processing of your data, in certain circumstances
  • To stop processing data for a period, if data is inaccurate or there is a dispute about whether or not your interests override our legitimate grounds for processing.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, or if you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Representative.  See Section 5.0 for contact details.

If we cannot address your concerns, you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office via

5.0              Contact Details

The contact details for Society for Underwater Technology Data Protection Representative are as follows:

NAME:                   Cheryl Burgess

EMAIL:                  [email protected]

TELEPHONE:         07947 911992