Oceans of Knowledge 2023
Beyond Net Zero: The Role of the Ocean in Climate Repair
18 October, 2023
Institute of Physics London and Remote Participation Worldwide
18 October 2023 | 0900 – 1730hrs followed by networking drinks reception
SUT is happy to be an event partner for Oceans of Knowledge 2023 – we are pleased to offer SUT members a bespoke code that will allow you to purchase a ticket for the event at the same price as an IMarEST member. Please register using code SUTOOK23
Beyond that contained in the Earth’s crust, the ocean holds by far the largest stock of carbon on our planet, dwarfing carbon in the atmosphere and soils.
How can we make most effective use of the ocean’s capacity to produce oxygen and sequester carbon in delivery of net zero and beyond, while regenerating healthy ocean environments and essential ecosystem services? What can be achieved through restoration of natural ocean systems that contribute to removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or the use of other climate repair solutions?
The ‘Beyond Net Zero – The role of the ocean in climate repair’ edition of the Oceans of Knowledge conference series, at the Institute of Physics in London on 18 October 2023, will explore these opportunities. The conference will set this critical future use of the ocean into the context of associated scientific, technological, engineering, operational and regulatory challenges. It will focus on the ocean data, information and knowledge needed to inform use of the ocean in climate repair.