SUT Chair of Council

The Chair is a pro bono, non-executive officer of the SUT and must be an SUT member. Elected by secret ballot no later than the October Council meeting, the term is 3 years, extendable to a maximum of 6 years. The Immediate Past Chair is an ex-officio Council member.

The Chair’s primary role is to ensure that the SUT Council is effective in its task of setting and implementing the Society’s direction and strategy.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Manage and provide leadership to the SUT Council.
  • Chair 4 Council Meetings per year, held in January, April, July, October.
  • Chair 10 Executive Committee meetings per year.
  • Support the SUT CEO.
  • Assist the President and CEO as an external representative of the SUT.
  • To ensure the continuation of SUT services to the membership.
  • Promote continuous improvement of the Society.
  • Oversee Council composition and development.
  • Line manager for the CEO.
  • Maintain strong communication with the CEO.
  • Role model SUT values and objectives.
  • Provide training and guidance for seamless succession.
  • Assist in identifying the next Chair and President.
  • Assist in recommending AGM speaker to the President.

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