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Climate Change Offshore N. W. Europe – Out of print

An Assessment of the Impact of Changing Meteorological and Oceanographic (Metocean) Conditions on Offshore Activities

Collected papers of the colloquium, held 1996

Ringbound, 1996
Order Reference C12  This book is currently out of print


This volume discusses the mounting evidence of significant changes to the metocean conditions in the North Atlantic, and assesses their impact on offshore operations and coastal engineering activities.

It will be of particular significance to anyone working in the North West Atlantic area, reflecting the topics of: short–term implications for existing installations from the increased severity of the weather patterns; longer term implications of sustained severe weather for older structures; safety and cost implications on potential reduction in available ‘weather windows’ for critical marine operations; effects on the designs for new installations; implications for Platform Safety Cases, regulatory matters, and the insurance industry.

  • Long–Term Metocean Measurements in the Northern North Sea – M Leggett et al
  • Search for Evidence of Wave Climate Change in the North Sea and North West Approaches Region –
  • D Smith and P Owrid
  • Climate Change and its Effects on Coastal Management – A Brampton
  • Statistical Interpretation of Wind Climatology in the North Atlantic and Northwestern European Region – T–S Li et al
  • Wind Climate Fluctuations in the Shetland Area: a Study of Data from Lerwick Observatory – JS Hopkins
  • Weather and Climate Variability since Prehistoric Times and Recent Indications of Continuing Fluctuations in the NE Atlantic – N Lynagh
  • Variability in the NE Atlantic Wave Climate – PD Cotton and DJT Carter
  • Trends in North Sea Northerly Storms – HD Lawes
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