Deborah Greaves Wins SUT Renewable Energy Award

Huge congratulations to Deborah Greaves, a beacon in the field of Ocean Engineering and Renewable Energy!

We’re thrilled to share that Professor Deborah Greaves has been awarded this year’s prestigious SUT Lennard-Senior Prize, today at the All-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow, in recognition of outstanding individual achievement in the field of Marine Renewable Energy. Pictured above with SUT CEO Cheryl Burgess.

As Professor of Ocean Engineering and Director of the COAST at the University of Plymouth, Deborah has been at the forefront of innovative research and transformative projects, shaping the future of sustainable energy solutions.

Since its inception in 2017, Deborah has been Director of the £9m Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub. She was appointed to develop the strategy and consortium for the new Supergen ORE Hub that brings together offshore wind with marine energy sectors.

Deborah also led the Collaborative Computational Project on Wave Structure Interaction and has consistently pioneered the development of new technologies in offshore wind, wave, and tidal power. This has included novel types of wave energy converter, analysis methods for offshore renewable energy farms, and extreme wave-structure interactions.

In addition to her research, Deborah has led high-profile national and international initiatives designed to ensure such technological advances can be applied in real-world scenarios to help meet the country’s future clean energy demands.

Here’s to Deborah’s continued success and the remarkable impact she continues to make in advancing the frontiers of Ocean Engineering and Renewable Energy!

The Lennard-Senior Memorial Prize has been awarded annually since 2011 in memory of two of the original members of The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)’s Marine Renewable Energies Committee (MREC) – Don Lennard and Gordon Senior.