China – 9th International SUT Technical Conference & 1st Marine Resources Exploration and Development Technology Symposium
Changsha, China
06 January, 2021 - 08 January, 2021
Ocean mineral and hydrocarbon deposits are major resources to ensure a sustainable industrial development in the future. In order to provide an open platform for the advancement of global marine resources exploration and development technology, the 9th International SUT (China) Technical Conference and the 1st SUT/SEG Marine Resources Exploration and Development Technology Symposium will be jointly held in Changsha, China, from January 6 to 8, 2021, hosted by the Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. We would like to extend our warmest invitation to experts and scholars from home and abroad engaged in scientific research, education, production, application and other disciplines to discuss the development of underwater technology, engineering equipment and related industrial topics.
We are particularly pleased to welcome the leading participation of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) in this conference. Founded in 1930 and headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, SEG is a technical organization dedicated to promoting the development, progress and innovation of Applied Geophysics; they have added an invaluable emphasis to the exploration aspects of marine resources in this event.
海洋矿产和油气资源开发将是国家未来可持续发展的重要支撑。为构建一个开放的技术交流平台,促进全球海洋资源勘探开发技术的进步,推进中国和国外高校、企业、科研机构的国际合作,同时进一步推进全国涉海高校之间、高校与企业之间的合作交流,拟于 2021 年 1 月6日-8日在湖南省长沙市召开第 9 届国际水下技术学会(SUT)技术会议暨第 1 届海洋资源勘探开发技术研讨会,我们热情邀请国内外科研、教学、生产、应用等相关领域的专家学者研讨海洋资源勘探开发技术、工程装备及相关产业发展。
- SUT 水下技术学会
- SEG 国际勘探地球物理学家学会
- Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 长沙矿冶研究院
- SEG China SEG 中国
- State Key Laboratory of Deep Sea Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Technology 深海矿产资源开发利用技术国家重点实验室
- Central South University 中南大学
- China University of Petroleum (Beijing) 中国石油大学(北京)
- Hunan University 湖南大学
- Hunan Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Resources and Geological Hazards Exploration 有色资源与地质灾害探查湖南省重点实验室
- International Joint Research Center for Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources 海底矿产资源开发国际联合研究中心
- National Natural Science Foundation of China 中国自然科学基金委员会
Keynote Lectures:
专家姓名 |
单位 |
报告题目 |
Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto |
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Integrated Autonomous Oil Spill Monitoring System |
崔维成 |
西湖大学 |
On the Future Development Directions of Deepsea Exploration |
丁荣军 |
湖南大学 |
智能运载系统及其在海洋工程装备领域的应用探索 |
Chang Gwo-ang |
待定 |
Laurens de Jonge |
Royal IHC, Netherlands |
European Union Blue Nodules Joint Industry Project |
Stephen Hall |
China’s Key Role In Delivering The Future Blue Economy |
Wei Na |
Hydrate Research Institute, South West Petroleum University |
待定 |
Zhou Jiaxiong |
CNOOC Zhanjiang |
待定 |
卓晓军 |
长沙矿冶研究院有限责任公司 |
国际矿产资源利用现状于海洋矿产资源勘探开发进展 |
持续更新中……. |
Abstract submission: 31 October 2020
Full paper submission: 31 October 2020November 30, 2020
Please click here for more information on submitting abstracts.
Conference Registration
Registration Address:
Conference Fees
- Early bird 早鸟票 (before October 31, 2020)
Regular 代表: 3000 RMB
Student 学生: 1800 RMB (provide valid student ID)
- Standard 常规票
Regular 代表: 3500 RMB
Student 学生: 2100 RMB (provide valid student ID)
Payment Methods
- Method 1: Pay online 在线支付 Complete registration by filling in participant information and paying online.
- Method 2: Onsite 现场注册 Regular 3800 RMB, Student 2300 RMB
Gu Qingmei 顾庆梅 +86 13717911000 [email protected]
Liu Hongping 刘洪萍 +86 13873108139 [email protected]
Wu Jingyu 吴敬宇 + 86 13691531882 [email protected]
Organizing Committee:
Chairman: Frank Lim
Executive Chairman: Zhuo Xiaojun 卓晓军
Vice-Chairmen:Alfred Liaw廖良基, Huang Xuri 黄旭日, Liu Jianxin 柳建新
Secretaries: Zheng Hao 郑皓, Flora Wu 吴敬宇, Gu Qingmei 顾庆梅, Liu Hongping 刘洪萍, Lv Xuling 吕绪玲, Guo Zhenwei 郭振威, Hu Manjiang 胡满江