London & South of England – Carbon Capture & Sequestration: Challenges, Updates and Developments
27 June, 2023
This event is free to attend but pre-booking is essential, registrations close at 1700 on 23rd June
Join the SUT London & South of England branch committee for their first face-to-face event in 2023; we will hear from Wood and the IOGP.
Wood Group: Flow Assurance challenges in CCS projects
Presenter: Jon Blyton, Principal Flow Assurance Engineer, Wood Plc
The safe design and operation of CCS transportation and storage systems presents unique Flow Assurance challenges. The presentation will discuss the nature of CO2 fluid, implications of impurities and the unique challenges in CO2 dense phase pipeline depressurisation.
IOGP Update
Presenter: Kevin Spencer, Project Engineer, IOGP
Overview of recent IOGP publications and work programme supporting the scale-up of CCS projects.
Subsea CCS Developments
Presenter: David Saul, BP
An overview of the IOGP Subsea Committee’s current work scopes and activities, before diving into the Committee’s work on CCS in more detail, including an update on subsea CCS developments and activity.
Many thanks to our hosts, Beazley!