OSIG Evening Geoforum – Monopile Design Through Centrifuge Technology
Ørsted - 5 Howick Place, Westminster, London SW1P 1WG
04 December, 2018
Scaled modelling in a geotechnical centrifuge is an effective way of collecting physical evidence with established scaling laws and soil response that is similar to the field. The advances of controlled soil and load conditions makes it an effective tool to develop cost effective design models. A large coordinated centrifuge-testing program of laterally loaded monopiles in sand has been initiated across 8 different centrifuges. This event will present the initial results of a series of benchmark tests which address modelling effects through centrifuge testing, discuss the possibilities using centrifuge modelling and present research ideas for developing design tools that addresses cyclic loading from one and multiple directions as well as the effect of the pore fluid response.
Research Group:
University of Cambridge (CUED); University of Sheffield, (CEIGR);University of Western Austrailia (COFS); Technical University of Denmark (DTU); The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR); Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST); Delft University of Technology (TU Delft); Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE), Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
17:00 Registration and Coffee
17:30 Welcome
Miguel Pacheco Andrade – Ørsted
Andy Barwise SUT-OSIG
17:35 Introduction
Rasmus Klinkvort – NGI
17:40 Why use centrifuges
Britta Bienen – COFS
18:00 Presentation of initial results
Rasmus Klinkvort – NGI
18:30 Outline and further possibilities
Jonathan Black – CEIGR
18:45 Open discussion
19:30 Closing
With special thanks to our sponsors: