Perth – Metocean Awareness Course
27 November, 2018 - 29 November, 2018
Metocean is a discipline covering meteorology and physical oceanography, and is concerned with quantifying the impact and effect of weather and sea
conditions on a wide range of activities in the offshore oil & gas and renewables.
This is an essential course providing a greater understanding of Metocean and how the application of Metocean information can benefit your organisation
particularly with respect to:
- Improved safety
- Better decision-making and planning
- Reduced costs
For all offshore industries, the effects of meteorology and oceanography (metocean) have a major impact on design and operations. The Metocean Awareness Course is aimed at those who need to have a greater understanding of metocean conditions worldwide and how they might impact the effectiveness of their work.
For more information and registration please view the course flyer or Contact Patricia Slapp.