Subsea Power

09 April, 2014


Subsea Power

9 April 2014 Aberdeen Evening Meeting




Techbite Presentation—Acoustic Command and Control
Lindsay MacDonald, Nautronix

Safety critical and high integrity acoustic control and monitoring systems have established themselves in the market. This tech bite will summarise the state of the technology and how the provision of subsea power can expand the possibilities for remote control and monitoring subsea.

The History of Seabed Electrification—From Hydraulics to a Factory on the Sea Floor
Kristin Elgsaas, GE Oil and Gas

This presentation takes a look at the development of electrically powered systems, their benefits and how these systems have played a key role in driving forward subsea solutions for the oil and gas industry. Important trends are highlighted through specific examples such as Shell’s Ormen Lange Gas Compression Project. The last part of the presentation looks at opportunities for further benefits of power advances and explores seabed systems we might see in the future.

High Power Systems—Provan and Addressing the Industry Demands
John Olav Floisand, OneSubsea

The use of high power systems have grown significantly as boosting systems today are established. This has seen the increase in power demand moving new frontiers in the last 15 years, where power systems have developed significantly. OneSubsea shall share their experiences in high power systems, as a key integral sub-system within the total boosting systems. This shall address the technology options to date, track record, for the full range of boosting systems including subsea compression for the Gulfaks 2030 project, plus an in-sight of power system options for the future.

Supporting Future UUV Operations on the Seabed
Jan Siesjo, Saab Seaeye Limited

Power and data requirements for future, subsea resident, remote technology solutions / systems.