SustainaVerse™ Afternoon Workshop
Using Digital Technologies to Visualize Operations and Identify Uncertainties in order to make better Commercial and ESG Decisions
16 May, 2023
1200-1530 hours, Tuesday, 16th May 2023 | Lloyds Lab, The Lloyds Building, 1 Lime Street, London EC3M 7HA
Please note: Pre-registration is required. Please bring photo ID for entry to the Lloyds of London building. Entry will not be granted without both.
We are in a second energy upheaval! The first occurred when the maritime sector changed, simultaneously, from sail to steam and wood to iron. The London market in the form of Lloyds responded to this. Today, in a very similar frenzy, this time to achieve ‘Net Zero’, the technologies may be very different, but insurance and investment market-need, and human nature remain very much the same. There is no less need for thorough understanding of endeavour in order to classify and therefore price the patterns of risk, but, today, operation is far removed from the commercial instruments that makes it possible, and few in the insurance, indemnifying and investment markets have practical, in-depth knowledge of the people involved and their practices. How to tackle this?
A Collaborative, Digital Response
The D’Arcy Thompson Simulator Centre as a provider of sustainability assurance, the London City Branch of the SUT as a learned society, Beazley as underwriters, the Waves Group as warranty surveyors working in maritime and oil and gas, and IQ3 Connect, providers of a collaborative VR platform, are holding an event at Lloyds Lab to explore how A CANVAS (Abstraction, Calculation, Analysis, modelliNg, Visualization, Animation and Simulation) can help ensure that test design is complete, and residual risk adequately identified.
Focus of Practical Workshop
Two, short presentations covering electricity generation scenarios and ESG will be followed by a hands-on exercise using collaborative VR, followed by examples of where Visualization and Simulation has informed academic research, operations and spatial planning.
Who should attend?
Underwriters, P&I Clubs, Sustainable, Responsible Impact+ Investors+, Brokers, Lawyers, Technology Providers, Operators and Owners. Members of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) and Members and Associates of the International Salvage Union (ISU)