Working Fairly Using Fundamental Principles of Physics Ð The Synergies between Salvage Wreck Removal and Decommissioning

06 December, 2011


Working Fairly using Fundamental Principles of Physics – The Synergies between Salvage, Wreck Removal & Decommissioning


6 December 2011 One-day conference, London, UK
Organised by the Society for Underwater Technology’s International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee in association with Decom North Sea





One of the key objectives of the SUT is the cross-fertilisation and dissemination of ideas, experience and information in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. To achieve this and as part of the Society’s interdisciplinary programme, the International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee (IS&DC) has joined forces with Decom North Sea to hold a second one-day conference that brings the salvage industry and oil and gas sector together.

Whereas much of the oil and gas sector’s extensive experience to date rests in the design, development, installation and operation of offshore equipment, the decommissioning of end of life cycle assets is an emerging challenge. For the global salvage industry, on the other hand, removing large, frequently damaged and always variable steel structures is part of the everyday portfolio. Having established synergies between wreck removal and decommissioning regarding the physical and operational challenges of removing large man-made objects from the marine environment, the discussion being fostered has become more focused.

This conference homed in on the following:

  • Given that each operates under and has understanding of the same principles of physics – why do the salvage industry and oil and gas sector undertake what may be considered to be very similar tasks in such different ways?

  • With regard to removal, what is the safest, most environmentally responsible and cost effective way forward – rewinding the construction process or taking a ‘goal-based approach’ in response to an ‘as found’ situation?

  • How do we establish a baseline for liability, in order to give a metric for valuing the benefit being conferred by the management, mitigation or removal of man-made objects in the marine environment?

  • If new technologies and methods are to be introduced into the activity of decommissioning, how are these to be funded, nurtured and accepted by what is a change adverse oil and gas sector?



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