Damon Sunderland
Damon graduated in 1994 from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand as an engineering geologist. He has more than 20 years of practical experience in offshore geoscience disciplines including specialisation in offshore geotechnical site investigation, geological ground modelling, the integration of geo datasets and geotechnical design. Damon has lived in New Zealand, the UK, the Netherlands and Australia and worked on projects in a wide variety of geological environments e.g. deep water Brazil, deltaic offshore West Africa, the seismically active Caspian Sea to carbonates of the Red Sea and Australia. Since 2009, Damon has worked at Arup (consulting engineers, designers and planners) in Perth. Currently Arup’s WA Energy Business Lead, Damon works on a variety of offshore and nearshore renewable and non-renewable projects. Damon is a past Secretary, Vice Chair and Chair of the SUT OSIG committee in Perth and continues as a Committee Member.