- Diving and Crewed Submersibles
- Education
- Environmental Forces (SUTGEF)
- Marine Renewable Energies
- OSIG (Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics) and ECOSIGG
- SUT - Policy Advisory
- Salvage and Decommissioning
- Subsea Engineering and Operations (SEO) Atlantic & Europe
- Panel on Underwater Robotics
- Young Professionals International
- Marine Environmental Science
- UXO (Unexploded Ordnance)
SUT – Policy Advisory
To provide a forum through which the Society can formulate and express its views on all policies that affect marine science, technology and engineering matters within the Society’s sphere of interests.
To maintain a close liaison with the InterAgency Committee for Marine Science and Technology (IACMST)
To liaise directly with or lobby, as appropriate, UK Government Departments and EC Directorates on specific issues
To co–ordinate any response the Society makes to policy reports or papers on marine science, technology or engineering matters,
liaising with other organisations or bodies as appropriate
To disseminate information to members on schemes for assistance for research and technology funding
The composition of the Committee should reflect as far as possible the main interests of the Society, with the President and Chairman of Council being standing members of the Committee.
Please click for a list of the current members of this committee.