Perth – Offshore Geohazards Course

26 May, 2021


This one-day course explains offshore geology, geohazards and geotechnical engineering, adopting a holistic approach to show how they interact and how an improved understanding of all three  disciplines can lead to optimised infrastructure solutions. It is aimed at an audience with no or limited knowledge of geosciences.

The course will

  • Introduce the different geological environments present offshore Australia and in other regions, ranging from shallow water through to deep water.
  • explain how an integrated ground model can be used to reduce risk and increase value.
  • show best practices for the collection of data for site characterisation, design and geohazard mitigation.
  • Illustrate the geotechnical design of geotechnical infrastructure, including shallow foundations, deep foundations, anchors and pipelines, illustrated with numerous case histories.

To register for the course please review the course flyer and submit via email