JOMOPANS: Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise in the North Sea

SUT and the Institute of Acoustics

19 August, 2020


Institute of Acoustics

London Branch Online Meeting

Dr Jacob Ward BEng EngD MIOA

JOMOPANS: Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise in the North Sea

Wednesday 19th August 2020 at 6 pm

Dr Jacob Ward is a Senior Research Scientist at the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) working in the Ultrasound and Underwater Acoustics group. NPL are one of 11 organisations contributing to JOMOPANS. The aim of the three-year project is to develop a framework for a fully operational joint monitoring programme for ambient noise in the North Sea. Output will be the tools necessary for managers, planners and other stakeholders to incorporate the effects of ambient noise in their assessment of the environmental status of the North Sea and to evaluate measures to improve the environment. Jacob’s presentation will focus on the standardisation of terminology, deployment, and data processing.

For more details of IOA regional branch activities please refer to the IOA website:

Topics and speakers for the evening meetings are generally identified and organised by the London Branch Committee, but we always welcome new ideas and suggestions for future presentations. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or may even like to give a presentation yourself, please contact the London Branch Committee (Roslyn Andrews: [email protected])

This early evening online presentation will be held jointly with the London and South of England Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT).

Please click here for the flyer.