Marine Minerals: A New Resource for the 21st Century

The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

31 October, 2018 - 01 November, 2018


Marine minerals activities are gathering pace. More and more entities are seeking licences from the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for manganese nodule exploration and mining in the North Pacific and for hydrothermal minerals exploration and mining on mid-ocean ridges worldwide. The U.K. has an important role in marine minerals activities through its sponsorship of several exploration licences with the ISA and active marine minerals research by the NOC, BGS and Universities in U.K. waters and the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Central themes of the Conference will include research on these increasingly important mineral deposits and their resource potential, together with mining and environmental considerations.

Expected highlights:

  • Metalliferous brines and sediments in the Red Sea
  • Arctic Ocean ferromanganese crusts
  • Central Pacific ferromanganese nodules
  • Indian Ocean ferromangese nodules and crusts
  • Hydrothermal minerals pff PNG
  • Hydrothermal minerals on the MOR including the Norwegian EEZ
  • Ferromangese nodules in the Cook Islands EEZ
  • Hydrothermal minerals and ferromanganese crusts in the NE Atlantic and NW Pacific
  • Placer minerals in EEZs

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