OSIGp – Decommissioning Event

Geo-Insights & Field Experiences on Offshore Subsea Decommissioning

25 October, 2022


The Society for Underwater Technology invite you to the:

OSIGp Geo-Insights & Field Experiences on Offshore Subsea Decommissioning

The evening will focus on the following three topics:

  1. External dredging of jacket platforms in preparation for decommissioning

    Ercan Kökden, Senior Geotechnical Engineer / Field Engineer, Allseas

    During the recent decommissioning of jacket platform structures in the North Sea, Allseas designed and operated its own pile dredging spread. This presentation presents challenges and outcomes encountered during the development and first commercial use of the pile dredging spread.

  2. Subsurface Information for Well Abandonment

    Sheila Mackay, Principal Geophysicist (Geohazards) | GeoScience, Woodside

    Once a well has fulfilled its purpose, be that exploration, appraisal or development it needs to be permanently abandoned. Barriers are designed such that individual pressure compartments in the subsurface are isolated from each other and seabed. The subsurface information required to identify the pressure compartments requires numerous datasets and a multi-disciplined team. This talk discusses the workflow implemented by subsurface specialists at Woodside Energy when planning the permanent abandonment of wells.

  3. Some Geotechnical Considerations for Decommissioning Offshore Infrastructure

    Prof. Susan Gourvenec, Professor of Offshore Geotechnical Engineering, University of Southampton

    This presentation will explore some geotechnical considerations for decommissioning offshore infrastructure considering both retrieval and in situ decommissioning. Research outcomes of the changing properties of the seabed over the life of the structure, and the impact on recovery loads or the in-place stability of infrastructure that is decommissioned in situ will be presented.


Date: Tuesday, 25th October 2022

Venue: The Melbourne Hotel (Karingal 2 Rm), 33 Milligan Street, Perth


  • 5.30pm: Registration
  • 6.00pm – 7.00pm: Presentations
  • 7.00pm – 8.00pm: Networking including drinks and finger food

To view the flyer, please click here


For further enquiries, please contact OSIGp directly by emailing: Manuel Herduin ([email protected])

Thank you to our event sponsor: