22 May, 2013
22 May 2013 Newcastle Evening Meeting
Chairman Dr. Malcolm Storey, Director, Worldwide Business Portfolios Ltd
The Macondo Blowout caught the media attention because ‘Public opinion matters’. What this illustrates is that ‘High-Technology businesses are about much more than just the nuts and bolts’; that they are not immune from a worldview.
Yet, it is proper to ask searching quetions about the industry’s strategic awareness, and to cement the answers into practice, because the outcomes reflect the Global Oil Industry and, especially, the Subsea Sector.
This event used Post-Macondo to consider the levels of technology and the perceptions pertaining to the contemporary Oil and Gas industry.
Design of the Marine Well Containment System
Dr. Alan Dobson, Research and Development Manager, Technip Umbilical Systems
In response to the significant risks highlighted by the Macondo incident several rapid deployment containment systems are being developed by various consortia. This presentation covered the system developed for installation in water depths up to 3000m and it will provide an overview of the system, its operation and the technology.
Perceptions on the British Oil and Gas Industry
Trisha O’Reilly, Communications Director, Oil and Gas UK
Oil and Gas UK’s ‘Industry Awareness’ campaign seeks to shift public perceptions that the British Oil and Gas Sector is a sunset business. It concerns efforts to improve public opinion about the contribution this Industry makes to the domestic economy because, if allowed to persist, the effects will be damaging. The initiative seeks to transform those perceptions for the better.