Subsea Engineering Information Session

Online Webinar

23 July, 2020


We invite you to attend a webinar to learn more about the competency framework for those engaged in subsea engineering activities.

This framework can be used as a career planning tool and as the basis of technical assessment for recognition in the area of practice of subsea engineering, as a Chartered Professional Engineer, Chartered Engineering Technologist or Chartered Engineering Associate.

This information session, which is a joint initiative between Engineers Australia and the Society for Underwater Technology, will include:

  • What is subsea engineering
  • The subsea engineering competency framework
  • Its use as a career planning tool and for technical assessment
  • The application and accreditation processes
  • An audience Q&A session.

If you missed the SUT & EA Subsea Engineering Webinar you can now access the recording and slidepack!

Presented by Ian Wilson, here is what he had to say about the webinar:

“I enjoyed presenting the joint EA and SUT Subsea Engineering webinar with Steve Algie and was pleasantly surprised at the interest in subsea engineering. I hope to meet some of those people at future SUT technical evenings and events either online or face to face starting in October. For those who cannot attend in person stay connected via the EA and SUT webinars and online training courses. Below are links to a recording of the webinar and the SUT (Perth Branch) website for more details on how to engage in Subsea Engineering ”

View the presentation here

View the recording here