Invitations for Nominations to SUT Council 2023
We are now inviting nominations to SUT Council 2023.
These elections will become effective upon the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 6th December 2022.
There are FOUR vacant places on Council as members come to the end of their terms, some of whom are eligible for re-election as they have completed 1 of the 2 permitted three-year terms on Council.
Members are invited to nominate an SUT Individual Member for vacant places on Council. Proposers and Seconders must both be either SUT Individual Members or Corporate Member Lead Representatives.
Nominations must be made on the form linked below. The Nominee must submit the form and the Proposer and Seconder will be contacted to confirm they are happy with the nomination. This form must be submitted no later than Monday 17th October 2022.
As well as your professional interests and experience in the broad field of Underwater Technology, Engineering and Science; it will be helpful in standing for election if you could indicate any particular areas of interest and experience that your nominee would like to bring to Council, such as business development, marketing, communications, fundraising, education & training.
When considering standing for election please note that Council Meetings in 2023 will be held in January, April, July and October. Meeting dates for 2023 will be set before end 2022. SUT Council has met virtually in 2022 and throughout the pandemic. Arrangements for virtual attendance at Council meetings will continue. However, it is hoped there will be ‘in-person’ optional meetings for those able to travel to London in 2023.