Anthony Kerr
Anthony has a Surveying Degree from Curtin University, is a Licensed Surveyor (Land Surveying) in the state of Western Australia and has been working in the offshore oil and gas industry for the last 25 years. His first offshore surveying position was with Racal Survey which later became known as Thales GeoSolutions. Anthony was Survey Manager at Racal Survey (Thales GeoSolutions) until the company was merged with another survey company at which time he joined some colleagues and formed Tri-Surv Geomatics as Technical Director. Tri-Surv Geomatics was latter acquired by Neptune Marine Services and was rebranded Neptune Geomatics. In 2011 Anthony joined Wood Groupside Energy Limited as Survey Projects Manager and for approximately 4 years worked on Wood Groupside’s Browse FLNG project. In January 2015 Anthony started at DOF Subsea as Survey Project Manager involved with various projects onboard the DOF Subsea vessels the Skandi Hercules, Skandi Singapore, Skandi Protector and the Skandi Hawk.