Annual Report 2017-2018

Chair: David Agazuma


The West Africa Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology was established in May 2018. New organisations have signed up for the SUT cooperate membership, while some of the old members have retained their membership. The branch has been very busy pursuing outstanding membership subscription fees owed by the majority of the old members, but the overall plan is to commence its signature events and regular meetings in 2019.

The local branch has been working very closely with the National Centre for Technology Management of the Federal Ministry of Science & Technology, the energy industry and some Universities in Nigeria, Ghana, UK and Australia to develop postgraduate curriculum in offshore and energy related programmes, hopefully the local universities will commence the academic activities for the programmes next year. Apart from the SUT subsea awareness courses that have been running for over a decade now, the branch have also developed additional offshore and pipeline short courses due to popular industry demands

The West Africa Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology has worked out plans to establish its student’s chapters in the University of Lagos, African University of Science & Technology Abuja, Federal University of Technology in Akure & Owerri, University of Port Harcourt, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife, University of Ghana, and Nkwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Ghana.