The South West and its Role in Offshore Energy
OSIG Geoforum
25 June, 2014
Introduction – Peter Larkin, LR-Senergy
Opening Address – TBC, Energy Pundit
Providing an overview and back drop to the broader ‘energy debate’ with possibly a few polemics thrown in to add some flavour to proceedings.
Merlin Hyman, Regen SW
Marine / Offshore Energy within the South West – presentation
An overview of how the South West contributes to the national (and beyond) Energy equation – with a particular focus on marine / offshore renewables.
John Sewell, Marine Minerals Ltd
Minerals & Commodities : A recent South West perspective – presentation
A look at a recent initiative to recover economically strategic trace elements from mining waste deposited on the seabed off the Cornish coast. Highlighting some interesting technological developments and economic drivers.
Phil Wilkinson, Marine Current Turbines (Siemens-MCT)
A South West based Tidal Turbine Developer – presentation
A brief overview of tidal turbine technology, with a focus on the challenges and requirements of foundation design in tidal races, including an overview of the lessons learned during geotechnical investigation at MCT’s Anglesey Skerries tidal array site.
Sam Whitaker, Fugro Seacore
Developments in XL Drilling and Foundation Installation – presentation
A brief state-of-the-art review of where developments have been made in terms of expanding technology to support the installation of large Monopiles for the marine / offshore energy sector from a leading and innovative South West based Geotechnical and Marine/Offshore Installation Contractor.
Francis Buckley, LR-Senergy (Quaternary Expert)
Seabed and shallow geological geohazards of the Celtic Sea and Porcupine Basin regions – some issues regarding their evaluation – presentation
A brief look at some of the key regional geohazard issues that can affect energy developments, what risks they may pose and how this risk might be quantified and mitigated by appropriate site investigation.
Justin Hawkins, Maring Geomatics Ltd, Offshore Wind Developer
Delivery of an Offshore Wind Farm – presentation
An overview of the expectations and challenges of planning, consenting, installing and operating a large (5>MW Turbines) offshore wind farm.