Announcement to Society Members on the Joint Venture

Agreement Between MTS and SUT
Over the past few years SUT and MTS have begun work to strengthen our collaboration with the goal of enhancing services and benefits to our members. You’ve likely seen the early outcomes of that collaboration—shared publications between the Societies, offering of professional certifications for marine technologists and marine scientists, and launch of the joint Captain Don Walsh Award for Ocean Exploration.
To support further enhancement of services to the collective membership and to help secure greater visibility for both Societies within the global marine science and technology community, MTS and SUT have entered into a formal Contractual Joint Venture agreement. The agreement solidifies existing collaborations and sets a framework for continued collaboration and partnership, in concert with the individual governance of both societies.
MTS and SUT have a common mission to facilitate the effective development and application of ocean science, underwater technology, and offshore engineering to support exploration, understanding, and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources. Through the collaboration supported by this joint venture, the Societies look forward to continuing to deliver value, impact, and support to our membership and the broader subsea, underwater and marine science, technology and engineering communities.