Underwater Technology Vol 2 No 1

Spring 1976

Technical Paper

Non–Nuclear Power Plants for Underwater Propulsion

E MacNair

Technical Briefing


Meeting Reports

Annual General Meeting


Manpower Needs for Offshore Technology

JW Pendered


Hyperbaric Rescue in the North Sea  



Cdr H Wardle


Oceanic Resources

NJ Cresswell


Instrumentation in Oceanography

ND Smith



Underwater Technology Vol 2 No 2

Summer 1976

SUT Independence

KR Haigh


Loch Ness Monster: SUT Group

RL Trillo


Hyperbaric Rescue

N Falconer

Technical Papers

Non–Nuclear Power Plants for Underwater Propulsion

E MacNair


The Science of Anchoring

M Kenn

Technical Briefing

Waves as a Source of Energy: The Salter System

T Hollobone

Meeting Reports

Marine Resources: Impressions of the European/International Society of

Technology Assessment Conference, Monaco, October 1975

VEM Bowell


Yachtsman’s Evening



Underwater Technology Vol 2 No 3

Autumn 1976

SUT Goes Independent


Waves as a Source of Barotrauma and Decompression Sickness

OF Conran

Technical Paper

The Average Wave Forces acting on Wave Power Machines

MS Longuet–Higgins

Technical Briefings

Comments on the OETB Strategy for R&D—Energy Paper Number 8

J Birks


Energy from the Oceans—US Plans

Meeting Reports

Underwater Welding for Offshore Installations

T Hollobone


The Export of Offshore Engineering

GG Mott


Submersible Tasks


Acoustic Methods of Underwater Navigation

AP Salkield


Laying and Repairing of Submarine Cables and their Impact on other Users of the Seabed

AP Davies



Underwater Technology Vol 2 No 4

Winter 1976

SUT Goes Independent


Waves as a Source of Barotrauma and Decompression Sickness

HV Hempleman


An Approach to Offshore Underwater Work

D Hughes

Technical Paper

The Magnitude of Pressure Fluctuations Encountered by Divers

CE Vincent

Technical Briefings

The Shelf Life of Ships: Episodic Waves

James Dawson


Marine Environment in the Red Sea

Thierry Martin


Underwater Navigation and Positioning Systems

Tom Hollobone

Meeting Reports

Annual General Meeting


Marine Technology—the Science Research Council and the Academic Community

G Senior


The Effect of the Environment on Some Offshore Activities

T Hollobone

Book Reviews

Jane’s Ocean Technology

Winning Supply and Service Business in Offshore Oil and Gas Markets

Guide to Information Services in Marine Technology

The Principles of Safe Diving Practise Draft Volume 2: Helium Diving

Safety Against Corrosion Damages Offshore

Safety Against Corrosion Fatigue Offshore

Tentative Rules for the Construction and Classification of Offshore Loading System