Insights from Marine Renewable Energy Scholarship Winner Jack Crawford

Congratulations to Marine Renewable Energy Scholarship Winner Jack Crawford, proudly sponsored by Aurora Offshore Engineering.

Jack is a third-year student at the Australian Maritime College. Studying OceanEngineering combines his love for the ocean and enthusiasm for problem solving. Through his studies he has developed a passion for marine renewable energy and the hydrodynamics of offshore structures. 
Jack’s final year thesis will focus on the performance of a hybrid wind and wave energy converter array. The project will be in relation to an Australia-China Joint Research Centre of Offshore Wind and Wave Energy grant that seeks to minimise the LCOE of wave energy converters. 

 Learn more about his studies and how this scholarship will assist with his future career in the video below.

Insights from Paula Cartwright Digital Automation in Engineering Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to Paula Cartwright who was awarded the Digital Automation in Engineering Scholarship, proudly Sponsored by Subsea Engineering Associates.

Paula is a PhD Scholar at The University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute.

She has a passion for applying new technologies to enhance the understanding of underwater environments. Paula’s post-graduate research is based in the Exmouth Gulf region where she is combining multiple technologies including satellite imagery, remotely operated video (ROV) and machine learning techniques to quantify the contribution of large-scale oceanic processes, such as ENSO, to marine habitat functioning in this ecologically significant region.

Paula aspires to bring together multiple scientific disciplines and technological advancements to achieve research outcomes beyond what would otherwise be possible. Her ‘big picture’ is communicating these outcomes to managers and decision makers for the benefit of our marine resources.

 Learn more about her studies and how this scholarship will assist with her future career in the video below.