Conference Registration

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Conference Fees

In-person Early Bird Ticket

(before October 05, 2022)

Regular 3300 RMB
Student 2100 RMB
Regular Ticket

(October 06, 2022-October 29, 2022)

Regular 3800 RMB
Student 2500 RMB

Payment Methods

  • Bank transfer: Postscript note “SUT2022+Name”

Account name: China University of Petroleum (East China)

Bank Account: 215604391524

Name of account opening bank: Bank of China Limited Qingdao West Coast New District Branch


  • WeChat payment: scan QR code

Ticket Entitlement (Attendance in Person)

  • Attend the opening ceremony and all forums during the conference
  • During the conference; one banquet, two dinners and three lunches
  • All tea breaks during the conference

Note: Accommodation and transportation will be one’s own expense.

Change of Registration

  • Refund notice: If you are unable to attend the conference or cannot participate in the online conference after registration, the fee will not be refunded, but you can transfer the participation qualification to a colleague.
  • If you need to transfer your registration rights, please inform the organizing committee of the name, organization and contact information of the transferee via email [email protected] before October 20, 2022.