Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Branch Technical Session

Thursday 20th November 2014

Malaysia Petroleum Club, Level 41, Tower 2, Petronas Twin Towers

Registration 12:00pm: Presentations Start at 12:20pm: Buffet Lunch 13:30pm

MPC Dress Code: Tropical business

The Society of Underwater Technology (SUT) invites you to the next of our series of lunch and learn sessions for 2014. This session will combine with the branch annual general meeting and a networking opportunity.

Chaired by: Neil Oakes:, Chairman SUT KL and Selangor

For more information and the flyer please click here.

Subsea System Integrity Conference

As life of field technology is pushed further, we have to consider the aspect of managing the safety and integrity of systems. New projects look for innovative ways of managing these assets, but we also have to look at smarter solutions when we consider techniques and technology for ageing assets and the supporting infrastructure.

For more information please click here.

SUT Singapore Inaugural Evening Technical Meeting

Hotel Jen Singapore (formerly known as Traders Hotel)
Level 2A, 1A Cuscaden Road, Singapore
(public car park next door to hotel by Tanglin Mall)
Registration / Drinks 6.00pm: Presentations Start at 6:30pm
Followed by drinks, finger food & Networking –evening close 9pm
Chaired by: Bill Russell-Cargill, AP Survey BDM, DOF Subsea
This event is open to both SUT members and non-members, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity to meet like-minded friends and colleagues in an informal atmosphere. Enjoy good networking whilst learning a little about some of the latest technology in your area.
Presentations will be made by:
SUT–What is the Society for Underwater Technology – aims & objectives
Seatronics Pte.Ltd.- Innovations in ROV Peripherals
Sonardyne Asia Pte.Ltd.–Development,Testing and Implementation of an Acoustic Automatic Leak Detection Sonar
Fugro Survey PteLtd.–The search for MH370

For more information please click here.

Perth – Offshore Geohazards and Geotechnics: Risks and Opportunities Course

This one-day course explains offshore geology, geohazards and geotechnical engineering, adopting a holistic approach to show how they interact and how an improved understanding of all three disciplines can lead to optimised infrastructure solutions.
The course will explain what can be achieved using different site characterisation techniques (geophysics, geotechnical investigation and laboratory testing) and how an integrated ground model can be used to reduce risk and increase value.

Please click here for flyer or contact Jennifer Maninin for more information.

London Christmas Lectures to Schools

Free programme of career presentations for KS4 and Post-16
At the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich

Aims of the day
This free careers event will enable KS4 and post-16 students to explore a wide range of ‘extreme’ and varied underwater careers opportunities in Britain.

Morning Session 10.30 – 12.30
Afternoon Session 13.30-15.30

The timetable will comprise of presentations by industry experts from a range of underwater science and technology backgrounds.

Subjects include:
•    The ocean and its effect on mankind
•    Underwater vehicles and robotics
•    Renewable energy from our seas
•    Animals of the sea
•    The marine environment
•    Deepwater oil and gas production

For more information please click here.