Introduction to Subsea Facilities Course
Introduction to Subsea Positioning Course
Global Offshore Prospects
Global Offshore Prospects
13 February 2014 London Evening Meeting
Chairman Dr Bob Allwood, Chief Executive, SUT
Timothy Madden, Analyst, Douglas-Westwood
Calum Shaw, Senior Analyst, Douglas-Westwood
Rod Westwood, Director, Douglas-Westwood
The past year has been exceptionally buoyant for most sectors in the energy business, with record levels of industry spending in offshore oil and gas and renewable energy.
Energy research and consulting group Douglas-Westwood continue their renowned “Global Offshore Prospects” series of presentations with an evening event hosted by the Society of Underwater Technology on February 13th 2014.
Rod Westwood, Calum Shaw and Tim Madden will present the firm’s outlook for the next five years and consider both the macroeconomic outlook and specific sector drivers for a variety of offshore energy business services and equipment lines. Analysis will be drawn from the firm’s published research and extensive proprietary in-house data, in addition to the insight and experience gained from the many consulting and transactions engagements completed throughout 2013. Specific sector focus will include offshore Capex & operations, offshore drilling, subsea production and associated services and technology.
Networking Evening
Perth – Metocean Awareness Course
Subsea Pipeline Design and Installation – Reducing the Risks
Subsea Pipeline Design and Installation –
Reducing the Risks
13 May 2014 London Lunch & Learn Meeting
Chair: Brian Jones, London Offshore Consultants
Speaker: Trevor Jee, Managing Director, Jee Ltd
This session will be presented by Trevor Jee, Managing Director of Jee Ltd, and will provide attendees with an insight into the subsea oil and gas industry. Attendees will gain an appreciation of the primary steps involved in pipeline design, construction and installation. The associated risks and appropriate mitigations will also be discussed, drawing on real-life case study examples to highlight what could potentially go wrong and lessons learnt from previous projects.
Trevor Jee’s distinguished career in the oil and gas industry has spanned 35 years, with the majority of that spent at the helm of his own company. As the managing director of Jee Ltd, which is now in its 26th year of business, Trevor has led the way in completing successful projects and implemented global training courses that have set the standard for industry best practice.
Trevor holds an MA and Honours degree in Engineering Science from Oxford University. He started Jee in 1988 following nearly a decade with BP and has developed a broad range of experience of pipelines from managing engineering projects for major operators such as BP, Subsea 7, ExxonMobil and Statoil.
In addition, he has contributed to numerous industry codes and standards such as PD8010 for onshore and offshore pipelines and ISO21369 on testing mechanical connectors for use in pipelines.