Renewables (Installations)

Renewables (Installations)

28 November 2012 Aberdeen Evening Meeting

Chairman: David Kaye, Aquamarine Power







The construction of offshore wind farms provides steadily increasing work for the subsea construction industry. Business prospects are positive as the industry looks towards the UK Round 3 offshore wind developments. This meeting will look at various aspects of installation of offshore wind turbines and associated infrastructure, including wind turbine installation methods, new developments in cable and foundation installation, and closing with a project overview from the perspective of an offshore wind developer


Installation of Cables and Foundations

Paul Davidson and Clive Adshead, SMD

Overview of Wind Turbine Generator Installation Methods Glen Mitchell, Wood Group Kenny 4271 Providing adequate production for interconnecting and export cable on offshore wind, tidal or wave installations is a vital component to ensure reliability of supply for the life of the installation. The presentation will provide an in–depth review of the latest generations of cable trenching systems designed specifically for the renewables market and real–world performance of these machines in the field. SMD will also expand on its latest JV with BORD engineering, allowing offshore renewable installations to consider subsea piling as an economical and safe fixation method for offshore renewables devices.

Overview to Offshore Wind Farm Developments

Nick Rey, Wood Group Kenny

The turbines in existing UK Round 1 and Round 2 offshore wind farms have principally been installed using technologies and methodologies developed from onshore experience. However, to meet the increasing logistical demands associated with the planned UK Round 3 and Scottish Territorial Waters Sites, wind turbine installation methodologies are being further developed and optimised. The presentation will provide an overview to the principal methods of wind turbine installation undertaken offshore and highlight the opportunities for time and cost reduction during installation operations.

An Overview of the Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Development

Richard Copeland, Repsol Nuevas Energías UK

The proposed Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm is a 1GW development in Scottish Territorial Waters located off the Angus Coast being developed by a joint venture between Repsol Nuevas Energías UK (51%) and EDPR UK (49%). The presentation will give an overview of the project development process for a real offshore wind farm project including the site characteristics, consenting, conceptual design and all of the issues that an offshore wind developer is presented with.


Latest Experiences with Underwater Machines

Latest Experiences with Underwater Machines

13 February 2013 Aberdeen, UK

Chairman: Neil Stagg, BP







Techbite Presentation

Introduction to the MATE International Student ROV Competition

Graeme Dunbar, RGU

Operational Experience of AUV for Pipeline Inspection

Mike Liddell, Fugro Survey

Over the last 10 years Fugro have developed significant experience with long dive endurance, high
produc1vity deep-water AUV missions for Geohazard surveys. These vehicles are working
globally, undertaking seabed survey on large oil and gas field developments in water depth down
to 3,000msw. The recent advances in AUV survey sensor payloads combined with intelligent
software now make it possible for these vehicles to be deployed for Pipeline Inspection
operations. The unique payload configuration of the Fugro AUV enables high resolution imagery
and seabed profile data to be obtained at “high speeds”. It is now possible to visually inspect over
100km of pipeline in a single 24 hour period from water depths between 20msw and 3,000msw.
This provides operators with an entirely new option for pipeline inspection. This presenta1on
shares the results of operational experiences undertaken by Fugro in 2012

Remote Hydrocarbon Sampling

Ken Bryson, Subsea 7

The presentation looks at the reasons for hydrocarbon sampling and the requirements and
challenges rela1ng to ROV based sampling systems, including failsafe and safety systems, storage
of samples and methods for avoiding formation of wax and hydrates in the system and
samples. We will review both shallow water and deepwater multiple sampling systems developed
to date..

Q-1400 Trenching Experiences

Merv New & Mike Earlam, Fugro Subsea Services

Fugro Subsea Services, in conjunc1on with SMD of Newcastle have developed and built the Q-
1400 Trenching system with the ability to perform mechanical cuting and high pressure water jet
trenching to depths of 3m for use in the Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy markets. The machine
can handle steel pipe up 900mm diameter, flexible flowlines and umbilicals up to 250mm diameter
in soil conditions up to 250KPA. This presenta1on will share the experiences of the ini1al projects
for this innova1ve Trencher System.



Internal Corrosion Management of Complex Pipelines

Internal Corrosion Management of Complex Pipelines

23 January 2013 Newcastle, UK

Chairman: Dr Andrew Pople






How to develop & deliver thick wall multi diameter offshore inspection solutions: a case study
Martin Bluck
, Product Manager Metal Loss, Geometry, & Mapping, PII Pipeline Solutions

This paper ocused on case studies on the successful inspection of deep sea pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Black Sea describing the technical challenges faced, the solutions developed, and the resulting successful inspection programs. In addtion to the case studies a generic approach was described to developing solutions for complex off‐shore tpplications which manages the technical & commercial risk for both operator & ILI vendor in delivering an holistic inspection

Corrosion Diagnosis using In‐Line Inspection Data
Cheryl Argent
, Senior Integrity Engineer, MaCaw Engineering

Gathering sufficient knowledge about the pipeline and knowing how to best analyse the available information has become critical to ensuring the long term integrity of pipelines. Inspection using in‐line intelligent tools provides the clearest picture of the condition of the pipeline. The information gathered from these inspections can then support numerous integrity related activities such as; Corrosion Assessment & Diagnosis, Corrosion Growth Assessment and Remnant Life Assessment & Corrosion Management Strategy.

This presentation focuses on how in‐line inspection data can aid the diagnosis of internal and external corrosion mechanisms in pipelines and risers. The presentation also discusses the influence of other input data such as, CP surveys, product monitoring data, elevation profile, mapping data, in field / subsea verification.


Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects

Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects

17 January 2013 London Evening Meeting

Chairman Iain Knight, JP Kenny







This presentation outlined the core concepts of Geomatics in Oil and Gas field development combining the interoperable capabilities of GIS with other engineering platforms. An emphasis being put on demonstrating the functionality of GIS and its tools, which have become more prominent in the Oil and Gas industry by aiding the project team in fast, efficient and accurate decision support.

With an ever increasing need to report up-to-date information, accurate data analysis and asset integrity management, GIS enables automated processes combined with 3D modeling techniques to assist in the analysis and timely reporting of geographic data needed on projects from tender to decommissioning. Such uses have be successfully incorporated into Tullow deep sea projects off the West coast of Africa.

Bolt on functionality with automated Alignment sheet generation, 3D modeling fly through and secure Web Mapping Services capabilities have seen GIS deep water applications expand progressively over the past few years into a prominent engineering based tool.


Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects
Quinton Gero, Pipeline Geo‐data Manager, INTECSEA

Quinton Gero Biography

Over the past 7 years, Quinton Gero has been integrating Geographical Information System (GIS) platforms into Mining, Water and Sanitation and Subsea Oil and Gas projects. Mr. Gero holds a BSc. and BSc. (Hon) degree in Geomatics and Environmental Management and Analysis, respectively, from the Pretoria University South Africa. For the last 3 years, he has been working at INTECSEA as a GIS Specialist, but more recently as the Pipeline Geo-data Manager, where his focus is on developing, maintaining and integrating a fully functional GIS model for support in design and as-built projects.


Setting the Course for UK Operational Oceanography

Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects

17 January 2013 London Evening Meeting

Chairman Iain Knight, JP Kenny







This presentation outlined the core concepts of Geomatics in Oil and Gas field development combining the interoperable capabilities of GIS with other engineering platforms. An emphasis being put on demonstrating the functionality of GIS and its tools, which have become more prominent in the Oil and Gas industry by aiding the project team in fast, efficient and accurate decision support.

With an ever increasing need to report up-to-date information, accurate data analysis and asset integrity management, GIS enables automated processes combined with 3D modeling techniques to assist in the analysis and timely reporting of geographic data needed on projects from tender to decommissioning. Such uses have be successfully incorporated into Tullow deep sea projects off the West coast of Africa.

Bolt on functionality with automated Alignment sheet generation, 3D modeling fly through and secure Web Mapping Services capabilities have seen GIS deep water applications expand progressively over the past few years into a prominent engineering based tool.


Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects
Quinton Gero, Pipeline Geo‐data Manager, INTECSEA

Quinton Gero Biography

Over the past 7 years, Quinton Gero has been integrating Geographical Information System (GIS) platforms into Mining, Water and Sanitation and Subsea Oil and Gas projects. Mr. Gero holds a BSc. and BSc. (Hon) degree in Geomatics and Environmental Management and Analysis, respectively, from the Pretoria University South Africa. For the last 3 years, he has been working at INTECSEA as a GIS Specialist, but more recently as the Pipeline Geo-data Manager, where his focus is on developing, maintaining and integrating a fully functional GIS model for support in design and as-built projects.


2013 Market Outlook/Global Opportunities

2013 Market Outlook/Global Opportunities

16 January 2013 Aberdeen Branch Breakfast Seminar

Chairman Neil Gordon, Subsea UK







The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry – Macro Trends and Threats
Edward Richardson, Associate Analyst, Infield

In a presentation analysing the offshore oil and gas market, Edward Richardson discusses recent trends in global exploration and production. Edward outlines the macroeconomic context, energy supply and demand fundamentals and long–term price analysis. He also touches upon field sanction point studies and discuss key themes currently affecting the offshore industry including deepwater, harsh environments and the impact of unconventional resources.

The presentation draws upon Infield’s proprietary modeling system to forecast Capex across various project types to provide participants with a clear understanding of the threats and opportunities in this fast moving sector.

The Subsea Market – Update on the Capital Markets and the M & A Environment.
Mike Beveridge, Managing Director, Simmons & Co

In this presentation, Mike gives an update on the capital and financing markets, talking through some major themes which are driving offshore and subsea activity both in the North Sea and internationally.

New Technologies Impacting the Subsea Market in 2013
Greg Herrera, Partner Energy Ventures

Technology developments can play a key role in projects, both in greenfield and brownfield sites. Greg presents on a selection which are currently making an impact and discuss the challenges which technology developers often face in bringing solutions to market.