Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects

Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects

17 January 2013 London Evening Meeting

Chairman Iain Knight, JP Kenny







This presentation outlined the core concepts of Geomatics in Oil and Gas field development combining the interoperable capabilities of GIS with other engineering platforms. An emphasis being put on demonstrating the functionality of GIS and its tools, which have become more prominent in the Oil and Gas industry by aiding the project team in fast, efficient and accurate decision support.

With an ever increasing need to report up-to-date information, accurate data analysis and asset integrity management, GIS enables automated processes combined with 3D modeling techniques to assist in the analysis and timely reporting of geographic data needed on projects from tender to decommissioning. Such uses have be successfully incorporated into Tullow deep sea projects off the West coast of Africa.

Bolt on functionality with automated Alignment sheet generation, 3D modeling fly through and secure Web Mapping Services capabilities have seen GIS deep water applications expand progressively over the past few years into a prominent engineering based tool.


Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects
Quinton Gero, Pipeline Geo‐data Manager, INTECSEA

Quinton Gero Biography

Over the past 7 years, Quinton Gero has been integrating Geographical Information System (GIS) platforms into Mining, Water and Sanitation and Subsea Oil and Gas projects. Mr. Gero holds a BSc. and BSc. (Hon) degree in Geomatics and Environmental Management and Analysis, respectively, from the Pretoria University South Africa. For the last 3 years, he has been working at INTECSEA as a GIS Specialist, but more recently as the Pipeline Geo-data Manager, where his focus is on developing, maintaining and integrating a fully functional GIS model for support in design and as-built projects.


Setting the Course for UK Operational Oceanography

Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects

17 January 2013 London Evening Meeting

Chairman Iain Knight, JP Kenny







This presentation outlined the core concepts of Geomatics in Oil and Gas field development combining the interoperable capabilities of GIS with other engineering platforms. An emphasis being put on demonstrating the functionality of GIS and its tools, which have become more prominent in the Oil and Gas industry by aiding the project team in fast, efficient and accurate decision support.

With an ever increasing need to report up-to-date information, accurate data analysis and asset integrity management, GIS enables automated processes combined with 3D modeling techniques to assist in the analysis and timely reporting of geographic data needed on projects from tender to decommissioning. Such uses have be successfully incorporated into Tullow deep sea projects off the West coast of Africa.

Bolt on functionality with automated Alignment sheet generation, 3D modeling fly through and secure Web Mapping Services capabilities have seen GIS deep water applications expand progressively over the past few years into a prominent engineering based tool.


Geographical Information System Technology for Subsea Projects
Quinton Gero, Pipeline Geo‐data Manager, INTECSEA

Quinton Gero Biography

Over the past 7 years, Quinton Gero has been integrating Geographical Information System (GIS) platforms into Mining, Water and Sanitation and Subsea Oil and Gas projects. Mr. Gero holds a BSc. and BSc. (Hon) degree in Geomatics and Environmental Management and Analysis, respectively, from the Pretoria University South Africa. For the last 3 years, he has been working at INTECSEA as a GIS Specialist, but more recently as the Pipeline Geo-data Manager, where his focus is on developing, maintaining and integrating a fully functional GIS model for support in design and as-built projects.


2013 Market Outlook/Global Opportunities

2013 Market Outlook/Global Opportunities

16 January 2013 Aberdeen Branch Breakfast Seminar

Chairman Neil Gordon, Subsea UK







The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry – Macro Trends and Threats
Edward Richardson, Associate Analyst, Infield

In a presentation analysing the offshore oil and gas market, Edward Richardson discusses recent trends in global exploration and production. Edward outlines the macroeconomic context, energy supply and demand fundamentals and long–term price analysis. He also touches upon field sanction point studies and discuss key themes currently affecting the offshore industry including deepwater, harsh environments and the impact of unconventional resources.

The presentation draws upon Infield’s proprietary modeling system to forecast Capex across various project types to provide participants with a clear understanding of the threats and opportunities in this fast moving sector.

The Subsea Market – Update on the Capital Markets and the M & A Environment.
Mike Beveridge, Managing Director, Simmons & Co

In this presentation, Mike gives an update on the capital and financing markets, talking through some major themes which are driving offshore and subsea activity both in the North Sea and internationally.

New Technologies Impacting the Subsea Market in 2013
Greg Herrera, Partner Energy Ventures

Technology developments can play a key role in projects, both in greenfield and brownfield sites. Greg presents on a selection which are currently making an impact and discuss the challenges which technology developers often face in bringing solutions to market.


Aberdeen Branch AGM and Dinner

2013 Market Outlook/Global Opportunities

16 January 2013 Aberdeen Branch Breakfast Seminar

Chairman Neil Gordon, Subsea UK







The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry – Macro Trends and Threats
Edward Richardson, Associate Analyst, Infield

In a presentation analysing the offshore oil and gas market, Edward Richardson discusses recent trends in global exploration and production. Edward outlines the macroeconomic context, energy supply and demand fundamentals and long–term price analysis. He also touches upon field sanction point studies and discuss key themes currently affecting the offshore industry including deepwater, harsh environments and the impact of unconventional resources.

The presentation draws upon Infield’s proprietary modeling system to forecast Capex across various project types to provide participants with a clear understanding of the threats and opportunities in this fast moving sector.

The Subsea Market – Update on the Capital Markets and the M & A Environment.
Mike Beveridge, Managing Director, Simmons & Co

In this presentation, Mike gives an update on the capital and financing markets, talking through some major themes which are driving offshore and subsea activity both in the North Sea and internationally.

New Technologies Impacting the Subsea Market in 2013
Greg Herrera, Partner Energy Ventures

Technology developments can play a key role in projects, both in greenfield and brownfield sites. Greg presents on a selection which are currently making an impact and discuss the challenges which technology developers often face in bringing solutions to market.


International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee Third Annual Conference

International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee Third Annual Conference

19 March 2013 London, UK

Chair: Moya Crawford, Deep Tek Ltd





The SUT’s International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee aims to bring the salvage, oil and gas, wet renewables and insurance industries together with marine scientists to address the issues associated with the management of man-made objects in the marine environment.

Now, having successfully brought interested people from all these disparate disciplines together, it’s third annual conference focuses on the Environmental Impact, Liability of Subsea Objects and Working Practice as all three are intrinsically linked.

This conference homed in on the following key issues:

  • How the Marine Environment is affected by man–made structures.
  • The effect of time on both theses structures and their contents.
  • What liability attaches to them, and how this is covered?
  • What are the onsite requirements and how best to tackle them with the preservation of life foremost in mind?
  • Which tasks require specialist skills and experience – be it from the oil and gas or salvage sector?


Attendees of this event can view the presentations on the password protected page.



The Pazflor Development

The Pazflor Development

14 March 2013 London, UK

Chairman: Dr Bob Allwood, Chief Executive, SUT







The Pazflor project off the West Coast of Angola was the largest subsea development project at the time of contract award. Pazflor was a world first for the use of Subsea Separation Technology, and this new technology was an enabler for this Greenfield development. The presentation provided an overview of the Pazflor project, some key elements on how to successfully perform a project of such large scale and some information about the technical solutions for the Pazflor subsea production and separation system.


Hildegunn McLernon, Manager Technical Safety & Reliability Eastern Region, FMC Technologies

Hildegunn McLernon is currently the Manager of Technical Safety & Reliability Eastern Region at FMC Technologies, based in Kongsberg, Norway. In this role she manages a department of professional engineers performing all aspects of analysis and work related to the Technical Safety and Reliability discipline and she is responsible for the processes and strategies for this department. With a Bachelor with Honor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scotland and a Master in Business Administration from Napier University, Scotland, she is a Chartered engineer. She has 14 years experience with the oil and gas industry at FMC Technologies. She has previously held the position as Engineering Manager for the Pazflor project. This included management of the project engineering team in Norway, Scotland and Angola, and being technically responsible for the Subsea production system on the Pazflor project. She has also been Engineering Manager on the Troll O2 project, and has worked several years within different engineering departments in Dunfermline, Scotland, Houston, USA and Kongsberg, Norway.

Terje Eiken, Manager Well Access Systems Eastern Region, FMC Technologies

Terje Eiken is currently Manager Well Access Systems Eastern Region at FMC Technologies, based in Kongsberg, Norway. In this role he manages a product line with life cycle responsibility (development, delivery, support and maintenance) for all well intervention systems like open water systems, in‐riser systems and riser‐less light well intervention. Terje Eiken has a Master of Science degree in Cybernetics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has 17 years experience within the oil and gas industry, there of 7 at FMC Technologies. He was Project Manager for the Pazflor Subsea Separation project. Prior to this assignment he was deputy project manager for Tordis Increased Oil Recovery, Subsea Separation and Boosting Project. Post Pazflor he was responsible for project management and system engineering across all projects in Eastern Region.



Materials in the Underwater Environment

Materials in the Underwater Environment

13 March 2013 Aberdeen, UK

CHAIRMAN: Martin Harley







SUT+ Pre-talk
Martin Harley
, Lead Materials Engineer, BG Group (Aberdeen)

SUT+ Pre-Talks are targeted at developing professionals and newcomers to industry, with the aim of providing attendees with additional background subject knowledge to enhance the main SUT presentations which follow.

Martin provides an introduction to the basic concepts of materials engineering, covering the topics presented in the main seminar. Of particular importance is the role of the materials engineer in the design process.

Metal-Ceramic Composite Coatings for heat, wear and corrosion protection
Alan Davidson
, Edinburgh Napier University, Advanced Materials Centre

Edinburgh Napier University have developed a novel technique for coating components with a metal-ceramic. Electroless co-deposition allows complex geometries to be uniformly protected from corrosion, wear and/or heat, includes ceramics in its composition, can be graduated over its cross-section and can include porosity for added thermal protection.

Failure Analysis and polymer selection for subsea applications
Dr. Zhiying Zhang
, Materials Engineer, BPP-Tech

Failure analysis provides valuable information that benefits design and operation. The failure investigation process will be discussed, covering expert witness experience on mooring wire ropes, chains, power cables, umbilicals and flexible pipes, and how the findings influenced selection of polymer, elastomer and composite materials

Understanding Elastomer Behavior and the Effect of Correct Design in Subsea Applications
Paul Williams
, Subsea Projects and Operations Manager, Apache North Sea

Engineers pre-supposed understanding of the materials characteristics and behavior of Elastomers when used underwater can sometimes lead to incorrect selection or design decisions. A number of generic case studies will illustrate where a lack of behavioral understanding lead to problems which in turn caused delay and cost money