Perth – OSIGp Evening Technical Meeting: Offshore Renewable Energy: Facing the challenges

This OSIG Perth Evening Technical Meeting: Offshore Renewable Energy: Facing the challenges was held on the 12 September 2019.

Presentations included:

Offshore wind and the energy transition
Tim Sawyer, Director and Vice President – Asia, Flotation Energy

Offshore geotechnics for renewable energy developments – overview of UWA research activities
Britta Bienen, Associate Professor, UWA

Renewables in the Asia Pacific – a new frontier
Chris Meecham, Principal Geoscientist, Fugro

Applications of machine learning for efficiencies in offshore wind foundation design
Laith Tapper, Senior Engineer, NGI

For further details please view the flyer

Post event report

London & South of England Lunch & Learn – Has anyone seen Nemo?

Has anyone seen NEMO?

Click here for a report of this event.

The NATO Submarine Rescue System (NSRS) has been in operation for 10 years. It remains the World’s only fully operational submarine rescue system capable of rescuing the crew of a large disabled submarine, whose pressure hull has been compromised requiring the survivors to undergo decompression.

The loss of the ARA SAN JUAN in November 2017 and the recent fatalities occurring in the Russian deep diving submarine continue to highlight the risks for submarine operators and their people. Submarine rescue is a global mission and the challenges faced by the teams operating rescue systems are potentially hazardous.

Chris Baldwin will talk about the NSRS and its submersible rescue vessel which is called ‘NEMO’ and explain just what is involved in attempting underwater operations of this nature.

Commander Chris Baldwin

Commander Chris Baldwin RNR has been involved in military diving since completing his Royal Navy ship’s diving officers’ course in 1988. He has subsequently fulfilled assignments as Second-in-Command of a Frigate, a Destroyer and two smaller warships, Officer in Charge of Fleet Diving Unit One, Commanding Officer Southern Diving Group, Head of the Maritime Reserves Diving Specialisation and UK MOD Superintendent of Diving.

Leaving the Navy in 2014, he went to work as a technical adviser in the International Marine Contractors’ Association and from there set up his own marine safety and security consultancy in 2017. He provides expert technical advice to the police and Coroner’s Courts and for company safety management systems. He is an auditor for diving safety assurance and EOD safety management systems and has been involved in the implementation of BIMCO Cyber Security in shipping companies.

Since December 2017 he has been on contract with the MOD as the Operations Officer of the NATO Submarine Rescue System and Senior Responsible Officer for diving in the Submarine Delivery Agency.

A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking.

Registration from 1200, presentation starts at 1230, lunch and networking from 1330

With special thanks to our hosts

SPE Offshore Europe







SPE Offshore Europe is recognised by offshore E&P professionals as Europe’s leading E&P event. Attending will ensure you are up to date with the most significant technologies and can connect with a global network of 36,000+ attendees.

Engage directly with technical experts from more than 900+ suppliers on the exhibition floor, from international market leaders to new innovative technology companies, to source and compare effective solutions.

Expand your technical knowledge with exceptional insight and best practice in the industry’s largest free to-attend Conference. Produced in association with SPE, four days of cutting-edge content will ensure you and your company stay informed and competitive.

Find us on Stand 1M53

Click here for more information & to register your place


OSIG Evening Geoforum – Seabed hazards – measurement, design, operation


Presentations are expected from BP, Fugro, Lloyd’s Register, Subsea 7 and TechnipFMC discussing techniques to measure and characterise seabed hazards, typical hazards, interpretation of hazards and their impact on assets, management of hazards during the design process, construction, in-service and beyond.

For a concept selection and design process to be effective it is important that geophysical and geotechnical data is examined early to identify seabed hazards and ensure they are accounted for as soon as possible.

Topics expected include:

  • Characterising Seabed Hazards from Geophysical Data
  • Seabed Seepage Features and their Impact on Field Design
  • Complex geology in the North Sea
  • Extremely soft soils
  • Impact of geohazards on pipeline installation

  • Registrations from 17:30
  • Presentations start 18:00 until 19:15
  • Networking event with food from 19:15
  • Event close – 20:30

Car parking will be available on site

More information to follow, please contact [email protected] with any queries

A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking.





Develop an integrity, production and P&A strategy that complies with a changing regulatory and operational landscape​








  • Intervention in Brazil: Hear Petrobras talk exclusively on their future projects, technological development, decommissioning campaigns, workover challenges, and RLWI 


  • Regulations: Hear ANP share the impact of the Well integrity management system regulation to ensure your practices meet these new requirements


  • Market Dynamics: Access an overview of Latin America’s well intervention market, and learn how to adapt your strategy from a green field focus to ageing assets
  • Light Well Intervention: Discuss the latest international LWI campaigns and discover whether LWI in Latin America is the most reliable, efficient and cost effective approach

  • Aging Assets: Identify appropriate intervention candidates from your well stock to ensure you are selecting the right work for the right well  

​ ​​

  • ​New Technology: Discover new innovative technologies to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of well intervention and P&A projects


Please click here for more information and to register your place

London & South of England Evening Meeting – Deep-Sea Mining in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone: Update

Pre registration for this event is essential, if you are not on the list you will be turned away.

Deep-sea mining has seen several “false dawns” since this marine industrial activity emerged in the 1960s. This is because it presents particularly complex challenges due to its multi-faceted and interdependent technological, scientific, environmental, social, industrial, political, economic and legal aspects, all of which must be efficiently managed at both international and national governmental levels to achieve commercially viable and environmentally responsible results.

Progress at the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in addressing these challenges for the currently most commercially attractive and deep-sea hard mineral resource, the Cu, Ni and Co-containing nodules found under international waters in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the North Pacific Ocean, southeast of Hawai’i, have led to speculation that a more promising dawn for nodules, at least, may be imminent. This presentation describes this progress with particular regard to proposed extraction technologies, selected technical, scientific and environmental issues and the international regulatory context, with the latest developments from the 25th meeting of the ISA (July 2019). It concludes with a short video illustrating deep sea mining research at sea, with examples of resource assessment, technology deployment, and environmental baseline work.


Dr. Philomène Verlaan JD PhD FIMarEST, Trustee, Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea

Oceanographer (Ph.D., Imperial College London). Research interests: formation, biogeochemistry and ecology of oceanic ferromanganese crusts and nodules, biogeochemistry of micronutrient (trace) metals and plankton), deep sea (crust, nodule and seamount) ecology.

Lawyer (J.D., Florida State University); specialization: law of the sea, especially marine scientific research, marine mining, sustainable use of the marine environment and its resources). In addition to research, including (so far) 24 oceanographic cruises, she works on the interface between marine science and international marine law and policy with international and intergovernmental organizations. This involves her in the management of intergovernmental marine projects in fascinating locations and in the development of marine environmental treaties.

Professional associations: International Marine Minerals Society; Marine Technology Society, Oceanography Society, Society for Underwater Technology, Fellow of the Institute for Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

She has so far published some 50 papers in the fields of marine science and international law of the sea. She is a Visiting Colleague with the Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawaii, a member of the World Commission on Environmental Law, Senior Adviser to the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea, and Representative for the International Marine Minerals Society to the International Seabed Authority.

A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking.

Registrations 17:30, Presentations 18:00

Directions to the venue

With special thanks to our hosts

View all SUT events




London & South of England Lunch & Learn – Subsea Power Cables – Lessons Learned

Please click here for the presentation

This presentation will explore the financial and technical aspects of subsea cable losses in both offshore wind and submarine interconnectors.


Capt. Sturgeon has been working in the subsea cable industry for more than 30 years, acquiring a wealth of experience, built on a foundation of 10 years command of cable ships and management of projects offshore, and diverse management roles ashore in project strategy, development and operations. He continues to be actively engaged in marine warranty survey, fault and incident investigation, and providing expert services and advice for cable projects across industry sectors. Chris is CEO of Red Penguin and more recently has also joined with other leading specialists to establish Penbridge Marine, a company formalising the collaboration of several years between Red Penguin and another leading sector specialist, Cambridge Marine, to provide focussed risk control services to the insurance market for subsea cables projects.


With special thanks to our hosts:


Registration from 1200, presentation starts at 1230, refreshments & networking to follow

Please contact [email protected] with any queries

A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking.





Oceanology International China

Oceanology International China Exhibition & Conference 2019 will take place 13-15 November 2019.

This year sees the return to Shanghai with the conference focus specifically tailored to the needs of a Chinese audience to learn international best practice and expertise in the following technical topic areas:

 Unmanned Vehicles

  • Applications and developments in surface systems
  • Applications and developments in Underwater/subsea systems
  • Autonomy and/or collaboration between unmanned systems
  • Applications for the offshore wind, oil and gas or marine aquaculture operations

Ocean ICT 

  • Novel systems for the management and use of ever increasing amounts of ocean data
  • Technology required to acquire and safely transmit data offshore
  • New platforms or novel applications of managing, analysing and storing large data bases for both real time feedbacks into projects or for future use
  • Application of 5G technology in ocean communication data transmission

Ocean Observation and Sensing

  • Developments in sensors, instrumentation and measurement tools and techniques
  • Regional Ocean observing systems design, methods and operations
  • New platforms or novel applications of platforms for ocean observing
  • Early warning systems for coastal monitoring and protection

Positioning, Navigation & Hydrography

  • Developments in tools and techniques
  • Latest technologies on and below the sea surface

Submit an Abstract for Presentation

If you would like to submit an abstract for consideration for a 20 minute presentation at OI China 2019, please submit a 300 word abstract to [email protected] by Friday, July 19th 2019.

More Information

For more information on Oceanology International China 2019, or the Call for Abstract Guidelines, please visit the event website: