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The presentations for this Evening Meeting are:
Latest Innovations in Pipeline Construction and Integrity Management
Mathieu Beaujon, Regional Commercial Manager APAC, SERIMAX
Pre-Qualification Testing of Styrenic-based Wet Insulation System and Castable Field Joint for Offshore Pipelines
Marcos Mockel, Senior Manager, Global Technical Solutions, Pipeline Performance, Shawcor
Application of Composite Technology in Deepwater
Benoit Lamoureux, Director, DORIS Engineering Australia Pty Ltd
Offshore and Subsea Electrical Technologies as Economic Enablers
Peter Baker, Senior Subsea Engineer, SPEC Consultancy
This five-day Course has been designed to be suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to the offshore industry, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.
Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt. In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.
The course also hosts two site visits, taking delegates out of the classroom and into the real life subsea industry plus a networking dinner.
Click here for course flyer or contact Corelle Charles for further information.
Post Event Report
This SUT event has been proudly organised by the YES! (Young Engineers & Scientists) Committee.
What toxic material was traditionally used in a manometer? Who collaborated with Bowie to reach number 1 on the UK singles chart in 1981?
Come along to the Quiz Night to gauge your knowledge across a range of fields while interacting with a range of professionals from the subsea industry, everyone welcome not just the young ones!
Click here to view flyer.
To register visit www.YES!QuizNight7Sept2017
Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event, please contact Jennifer Maninin for further details.
This SUT Event proudly organised by the YES! (Young Engineers & Scientists) Committee will visit Civmec, TMT and Carnegie.
Event flyer
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Event Flyer
Post Event Report
Presentations for the evening were:
Increased Safety & Efficiency from a Dedicated Monohull Intervention Vessel on Deepwater Subsea Wells
Bevan Morrison, Sales Manager – Light Well Intervention, TechnipFMC
Buckle Up!: Improving Integrity Analyses of Offshore Pipeline Deflections Using in-line Inspection
Adrian Lim, Asia Pacific Regional Manager – Integrity Management and Engineering Services, Rosen Australia Pty. Ltd.
The Low Motion Floater
Yuriy Drobyshevski, Technical Advisor, Floating Systems, INTECSEA
Event Flyer
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Presentations for the evening were:
Subsea Field Development Engineering – The Greater Enfield Project
Carolyn Thain, Subsea Delivery Manager, Woodside Energy Ltd
Flexible Risers and Dynamic Analysis
Céline Lanoëlle, Lead Engineer, Atteris
Subsea Anchor Chain Connection Device (ACCD 300)
Emily Carmichael, Project Engineer, DOF Subsea
Please note that approval to distribute presentations were not received before staff leave so if approved they will be available early August.
For further information contact Corelle Charles.
This one-day course explains offshore geology, geohazards and geotechnical engineering, adopting a holistic approach to show how they interact and how an improved understanding of all three disciplines can lead to optimised infrastructure solutions. It is aimed at an audience with no or limited knowledge of geosciences.
The course will include demonstrations of equipment and laboratory tours at UWA to give ‘hands on’ experience of seabed sediments, soil element testing and physical modelling (including UWA’s centrifuge facilities and O-tube flumes).
** Early Bird rates if registration before 10th May 2017 **
Click here for event flyer or contact Jennifer Maninin for further information.
Event Flyer
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Cyber Attack on Your Umbilicals
Andrea Kesterson – BA International Business & Loai Khalayli – MEng (Mechatronics), BSc (Electrical & Electronics Eng), Woodside Energy Ltd.
Cyber Security for an IoT World
David De Lima, Consulting Systems Engineer, – Security, Cisco Systems
Is Your Industrial Data Safe?
Nathan Formby, Lead Solutions Consultant, GE Digital
Cyber Security – Are we there yet?
Mirel Sehic, Cyber Security Business Development Manager – Pacific, Honeywell
Event Flyer
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Extending The Life Of Obsolete And Unsupported Subsea Control Systems
Michael Lewis, Regional Manager, Subsea Systems, Proserv Offshore Pty Ltd.
Renewable Energy – Disruptive Technology and Changes in the Sector
Eoghan Quinn, Associate, New Energy Advisian
Subsea Compression – Now and the Future
Si Huai Yeaw, Senior Process Engineer, Aker Solutions
Subsea production is not a new concept; however, advances in subsea technologies continue to enhance the economic development of offshore exploration discoveries in all water depths. Crucial to the economic success of such developments is the need to understand the consequences of one’s actions. This one-day course is aimed at creating an awareness of the applications of subsea equipment and plant, how subsea equipment is operated, the vulnerabilities to which it is susceptible, the requirements to continuously inspect, maintain and repair and the consequences of
equipment downtime and lost production.
Click here for flyer or contact Jennifer Maninin for further information.