Perth – The Life Cycle of Flexible Risers & Flowlines

This course has been developed by three flexible pipe manufacturers and key companies associated with system design, failure mode analysis, and integrity management of flexible flowlines and risers.
The course is aimed at those who specify, purchase, approve, install, operate, manage the integrity of, or decommission flexible risers or flowlines, including jumpers.

Please click here for flyer or contact Jennifer Maninin for further information.

Perth – ETM: Optimised In-Fill Projects, Achieving Step Change

Event Flyer

Post Event Report

GWF-2 Simpler, Better, Outstanding Together
Fiachra Gleeson, GWF-2 & Lambert Deep Subsea Delivery Manager, Woodside Energy Ltd

Subsea Tie-back Drivers and Challenges
Hammam Zeitoun, Project Manager, Wood Group Kenny

New Ways to Bundle Tie-back Developments
Stéphan Eyssautier, Project Engineering Manager, Subsea 7
This presentation will be provided on a case by case basis so please contact Marin Abélanet at Subsea 7. Alternatively see the following link which is the official Subsea 7 video on their bundle technology




Perth – Metocean Awareness Course

Metocean if a discipline covering meteorology and physical oceanography, and is concerned with quantifying the impact and effect of weather and sea conditions on a wide range of activities in the offshore oil & gas and renewables. This is an essential course providing a greater understanding of Metocean and how the application of Metocean information can benefit your organisation particularly with respect to improved safety; better decision-making and planning; and reduced costs.

Please click here for flyer.


To note your interest in attending a future course please email Corelle Charles.


Perth – The Role Of Science and Technology: Beyond Oil & Gas

Event Flyer

Post Event Report


From offshore installations to artificial reefs: legal framework for de-commissioning in Australia
Professor Erika Techera, Faculty of Law and the Oceans Institute, The University of Western Australia

Marine acoustics studies in Western Australia with emphasis on the use of sea noise to study marine environment
Robert McCauley, Associate Professor, Curtin University’s Centre for Marine Science and Technology

Hyperbaric Intervention in Submarine Rescue
Doug Austin, Director – Asia Pacific, James Fisher Defence




Perth – ETM: The Sydney-Kormoran Project: Conducting a 3D Imaging Survey

Event flyer

Post Event Report

The Mission
Dr Michael McCarthy, Curator, Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Museum

Vessel and ROV Logistics
John Rossier, General Manager Operations, DOF Subsea

Technology and Data
Dr Andrew Woods, Research Fellow, Centre for Marine Science & Technology, Curtin University

Rusticles and Science Sampling
Laura Machuca Suarez, Research Fellow, Corrosion Engineering Industry Centre, Curtin University


Perth – Operating Subsea Oil & Gas Production Systems

Subsea production is not a new concept; however, advances in subsea technologies continue to enhance the economic development of offshore exploration discoveries in all water depths. Crucial to the economic success of such developments is the need to understand the consequences of one’s actions. This one-day course is aimed at creating an awareness of the applications of subsea equipment and plant, how subsea equipment is operated, the vulnerabilities to which it is susceptible, the requirements to continuously inspect, maintain and repair and the consequences of equipment downtime and lost production.

Please click here for flyer or contact Jennifer Maninin for further information.

Perth – Subsea Awareness Course

This five-day Course has been designed to be suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to the offshore industry, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Please click here for flyer or contact Jennifer Maninin for more information

Oceanology International China 2015

3-5 November 2015

Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing, Shanghai, China
Now in its third edition, the Oceanology International China Conference is supported by the Ocean Observing Branch of the Chinese Society of Oceanography and is presented in partnership with the Society for Underwater Technology.
Developed with government and industry associations, the Oceanology International China Conference will connect the latest marine science and ocean technology solutions with China’s rapidly developing offshore energy & marine industries.

OI China is now seeking abstracts to be submitted by individuals/companies who would like to be considered to deliver a presentation at this event. Abstracts should be submitted to Ellen Burgess on [email protected], as per the form here.

Extended deadline for Abstract Submittals: 14 August 2015.