The Pazflor Development

The Pazflor Development

14 March 2013 London, UK

Chairman: Dr Bob Allwood, Chief Executive, SUT







The Pazflor project off the West Coast of Angola was the largest subsea development project at the time of contract award. Pazflor was a world first for the use of Subsea Separation Technology, and this new technology was an enabler for this Greenfield development. The presentation provided an overview of the Pazflor project, some key elements on how to successfully perform a project of such large scale and some information about the technical solutions for the Pazflor subsea production and separation system.


Hildegunn McLernon, Manager Technical Safety & Reliability Eastern Region, FMC Technologies

Hildegunn McLernon is currently the Manager of Technical Safety & Reliability Eastern Region at FMC Technologies, based in Kongsberg, Norway. In this role she manages a department of professional engineers performing all aspects of analysis and work related to the Technical Safety and Reliability discipline and she is responsible for the processes and strategies for this department. With a Bachelor with Honor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scotland and a Master in Business Administration from Napier University, Scotland, she is a Chartered engineer. She has 14 years experience with the oil and gas industry at FMC Technologies. She has previously held the position as Engineering Manager for the Pazflor project. This included management of the project engineering team in Norway, Scotland and Angola, and being technically responsible for the Subsea production system on the Pazflor project. She has also been Engineering Manager on the Troll O2 project, and has worked several years within different engineering departments in Dunfermline, Scotland, Houston, USA and Kongsberg, Norway.

Terje Eiken, Manager Well Access Systems Eastern Region, FMC Technologies

Terje Eiken is currently Manager Well Access Systems Eastern Region at FMC Technologies, based in Kongsberg, Norway. In this role he manages a product line with life cycle responsibility (development, delivery, support and maintenance) for all well intervention systems like open water systems, in‐riser systems and riser‐less light well intervention. Terje Eiken has a Master of Science degree in Cybernetics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has 17 years experience within the oil and gas industry, there of 7 at FMC Technologies. He was Project Manager for the Pazflor Subsea Separation project. Prior to this assignment he was deputy project manager for Tordis Increased Oil Recovery, Subsea Separation and Boosting Project. Post Pazflor he was responsible for project management and system engineering across all projects in Eastern Region.



Materials in the Underwater Environment

Materials in the Underwater Environment

13 March 2013 Aberdeen, UK

CHAIRMAN: Martin Harley







SUT+ Pre-talk
Martin Harley
, Lead Materials Engineer, BG Group (Aberdeen)

SUT+ Pre-Talks are targeted at developing professionals and newcomers to industry, with the aim of providing attendees with additional background subject knowledge to enhance the main SUT presentations which follow.

Martin provides an introduction to the basic concepts of materials engineering, covering the topics presented in the main seminar. Of particular importance is the role of the materials engineer in the design process.

Metal-Ceramic Composite Coatings for heat, wear and corrosion protection
Alan Davidson
, Edinburgh Napier University, Advanced Materials Centre

Edinburgh Napier University have developed a novel technique for coating components with a metal-ceramic. Electroless co-deposition allows complex geometries to be uniformly protected from corrosion, wear and/or heat, includes ceramics in its composition, can be graduated over its cross-section and can include porosity for added thermal protection.

Failure Analysis and polymer selection for subsea applications
Dr. Zhiying Zhang
, Materials Engineer, BPP-Tech

Failure analysis provides valuable information that benefits design and operation. The failure investigation process will be discussed, covering expert witness experience on mooring wire ropes, chains, power cables, umbilicals and flexible pipes, and how the findings influenced selection of polymer, elastomer and composite materials

Understanding Elastomer Behavior and the Effect of Correct Design in Subsea Applications
Paul Williams
, Subsea Projects and Operations Manager, Apache North Sea

Engineers pre-supposed understanding of the materials characteristics and behavior of Elastomers when used underwater can sometimes lead to incorrect selection or design decisions. A number of generic case studies will illustrate where a lack of behavioral understanding lead to problems which in turn caused delay and cost money




22 May 2013 Newcastle Evening Meeting

Chairman Dr. Malcolm Storey, Director, Worldwide Business Portfolios Ltd







The Macondo Blowout caught the media attention because ‘Public opinion matters’. What this illustrates is that ‘High-Technology businesses are about much more than just the nuts and bolts’; that they are not immune from a worldview.

Yet, it is proper to ask searching quetions about the industry’s strategic awareness, and to cement the answers into practice, because the outcomes reflect the Global Oil Industry and, especially, the Subsea Sector.

This event used Post-Macondo to consider the levels of technology and the perceptions pertaining to the contemporary Oil and Gas industry.


Design of the Marine Well Containment System

Dr. Alan Dobson, Research and Development Manager, Technip Umbilical Systems

In response to the significant risks highlighted by the Macondo incident several rapid deployment containment systems are being developed by various consortia. This presentation covered the system developed for installation in water depths up to 3000m and it will provide an overview of the system, its operation and the technology.


Perceptions on the British Oil and Gas Industry

Trisha O’Reilly, Communications Director, Oil and Gas UK

Oil and Gas UK’s ‘Industry Awareness’ campaign seeks to shift public perceptions that the British Oil and Gas Sector is a sunset business. It concerns efforts to improve public opinion about the contribution this Industry makes to the domestic economy because, if allowed to persist, the effects will be damaging. The initiative seeks to transform those perceptions for the better.


Managing Existing Fields and Assets

Managing Existing Fields and Assets

8 May 2013 Aberdeen Evening Meeting

Chairman Donald Thomson, Schlumberger







The North Sea is often termed a ‘mature’ offshore province. Despite this, activity levels are at an all time high. A significant amount of the present activity is related to managing existing assets to maximise return, extend field life or carry out repairs to aging infrastructure. These talks look at different aspects of managing mature offshore assets.


SUT+ Pre-talk – Developments in Riser Integrity Monitoring

Donald Thomson, Sales Manager, Schlumberger Asset Integrity Management/Framo Engineering

SUT+ Pre–talks are targeted at developing professionals and newcomers to industry, with the aim of providing attendees with additional background subject knowledge to enhance the main SUT presentations which follow.


The Banff Reinstatement Project

Konstantin Nazaruk, Project Engineer, CNR International

During a storm in December 2011, the Petrojarl Banff FPSO, on contract to CNR from TeeKay, lost some of its anchors. The initial operation to stabilise the vessel, and subsequent Banff reinstatement project, to repair the damage caused to the vessel, marine systems and risers has been a fast-track project for CNR and contractors. This talk describes the incident, CNR’s response and the subsequent engineering work to reinstate the Banff FPSO and the field to production.


Beryl Field Redevelopment – A Methodical Approach

Paul Williams, Subsea Projects and Operations Manager, Apache North Sea

Apache have significantly expanded their presence in the North Sea both with new field developments and the purchase of older brown field assets from other operators. This talk explains the approach Apache take in evaluating how to maximise brown field assets using their recent acquisition of the Beryl field as an example.


BP Quad 204 Redevelopment

Andrew Train, Project Director – Offshore Activities, BP

Using the Schiehallion FPSO, BP have been operating the Schiehallion and Loyal fields west of Shetland in blocks 204 and 205 since the late 90’s. In 2008 they announced the redevelopment of the fields to allow access to additional reserves. The project is one of the biggest in the UK sector at present. The talk gave an overview of the project, the new FPSO and the planned changes to the subsea facilities.