SUT KL Monthly Session

13th of September 2023 |  Loco KL , 22, Changkat Bukit Bintang, 50200 Kuala Lumpur.

From 5 pm onwards

Welcome back to SUT members in KL! This meet-up is the second in a new series of monthly events open to SUT members and Subsea Professionals in town.

Happy hour –  5 pm to 10 pm – specially reserved for SUT monthly gathering – Participants can buy their own drinks and food. Free titbits will be provided.

LSE Branch – Subsea Technologies for Enhanced Operations

St Andrew’s Church, Short St, London SE1 8LJ

1800hrs – 1930hrs | 28th September 2023

Cost £10 SUT members; £20 non-members

Remotely Operated Pig Launcher – Value Enablement and System Benefits

Speaker – Daniel Mckie, Baker Hughes

In today’s offshore industry, there can be significant reward in exploiting innovative technologies and automation to improve operational efficiency, maximise production availability and optimise operational expenditure. For a typical offshore system, one of the critical elements that influences the operational expenditure of a project is the frequency and methodology for operational pigging. Deploying a vessel to support pigging activities can be a costly strategy over life of field.

This talk presents an overview of Baker Hughes’ Remotely Operated Pig Launcher (ROPL) system, which enables operational pigging activities for offshore assets to be conducted remotely. This approach leverages the installed subsea system infrastructure, without the need to deploy a service vessel for each pigging activity. Enabling technologies and critical system interfaces are discussed, along with an outline of the main operational and economic benefits.


Renewables for Subsea Power Project (RSP)

Speakers – Andrea Caio, Mocean Energy and Paul Slorach, Verlume

The Renewables for Subsea Power Project (RSP) brings together Verlume’s Halo Subsea battery system and Mocean’s Wave Energy Convertor (WEC) to deliver autonomous renewable subsea power and communications to offshore locations. Sponsored by several Operators and the Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC), the RSP demonstrator system was deployed in the North Sea in February 2023 to prove the viability of using the system to operate subsea assets remotely. Baker Hughes’ Subsea Electronics Modules (SEM) and Transmark’s Autonomous Resident Vehicle (ARV) both reside subsea and connect into Verlume’s Halo battery system which intelligently manages the energy demands. An umbilical links the Halo to the WEC with topside cellular communications and a secure VPN providing a means to remotely access all devices. The RSP configuration has potential applications as a retro-fit solution for umbilical failure remediation, umbilical-less (or optimised) long step outs, marginal fields / tie-backs, CCS applications and for subsea AUV/ROV garages. Results from the ongoing subsea test programme have been highly encouraging, including power availability and over-the-horizon communication stability to the seabed consumers. This talk presents an overview of the technology, system interfaces and the key findings to date.

SUT KL Monthly Session

9th of August 2023 |  Loco KL , 22, Changkat Bukit Bintang, 50200 Kuala Lumpur.

From 5 pm onwards

Welcome back to SUT members in KL! This meet-up is the first in a new series of monthly events open to SUT members and Subsea Professionals in town.

Happy hour –  5 pm to 10 pm – specially reserved for SUT monthly gathering – Participants can buy their own drinks and food. Free titbits will be provided.


Newcastle – Offshore Wind Energy Course

In-person Offshore Wind Energy Course including site visits

Holiday Inn Jesmond, Newcastle

Building on our international reputation for ocean and marine engineering and science training, the SUT is  extending its short course  in Offshore Wind Renewable Energy into a 3-day in-person event to include visits to key sites based in the Newcastle area. 

The course is designed for:

  • Professional non-engineers who would benefit from understanding the offshore wind energy industry
  • Engineers and technical staff who are new to this sector or making the transition from another industry
  • Technical staff in the sector who would benefit from broadening their understanding of the sector.

The course will be delivered over 3 days of presentations and site visits by Industry and academic experts, with an emphasis on the practical applications.


  • Introduction to the SUT
  • Wind and the Net Zero Challenge inc Deepwater Floating Potential
  • Planning, Environmental Studies and Approvals, Chris Turner Marine Space
  • MetOcean/Weather: UK and NW Europe Focus inc Deepwater for Floating Technology, Kevin Black – Partrac
  • Fixed Bottom Offshore Structure Design and Integrity, Zhiqiang Hu – Newcastle University
  • Offshore Site Investigation and Seabed Site Foundations, Peter Allan – Pace Geotechnics
  • Construction
  • Cables, Ross Wilson – BP
  • Floating Wind Structures, Alex Argyros BP
  • Operations and Maintenance Field Study inc Turbine Operations, Equinor

Site Visits confirmed to Date

  • Equinor Dogger Bank O&M Base South Tyneside
  • ORE Catapult Blyth R&D Centre
  • SMD Newcastle

Cost (ex VAT)

  • SUT members – £985
  • SUT non-members – £1075
  • SUT member price is also available for members of

A CPD certificate will be issued following the course.

We anticipate this course will be in high demand, so if this course is of interest to you, please log your interest on the form, we will contact you with the final details shortly, which will provide you with an opportunity to register first, should you wish to take the course. Course numbers will be limited.


Registration has now closed.


12th International SUT (China) Technical Conference

October 27-30, 2023 | Haikou, China

点击阅读中文传单 | Click to read English language flyer

Offshore oil and gas and new energy are major resources to ensure sustainable industrial development in the future. In order to build an open platform for technological exchange, promote the progress of global marine resources exploration and exploitation technology, promote international cooperation between Chinese and foreign universities, enterprises, and research institutions, and further promote the cooperation and exchanges between universities and enterprises involved in maritime affairs in China, the 12th International SUT (China) Technical Conference will be held in Haikou, China, from October 27 to 30, 2023. Well-known domestic academicians will attend as consultants of the conference, and we would like to extend our warmest invitation to experts and scholars from home and abroad engaged in scientific research, education, production, application and other disciplines to discuss the development of offshore resources, engineering equipment, and related industrial topics.



SUT 中国分会 SUT China Branch

中国石油大学(北京)China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

海南大学Hainan University


Abstract submission: September 30, 2023

Full paper submission: October 13, 2023


Contacts:Han Xuanhe 韩烜赫   17754415329

                 Chen Xueyun 陈雪云  15348872366

                 Yao Shuang 姚爽        15025408330

Contact: [email protected]

Organizing Committee:

Chairman of SUT China Branch: Professor Zhang Yu 张玉

Executive Chairman: Professor Shen Yijun 沈义俊

At-sea energy transfer for uncrewed platforms

An Outreach Event from the London Tech Bridge and Naval X

Companies are invited to submit their interest in presenting at the upcoming event on the challenges for uncrewed surface and subsurface vessels:

Problem Statement:  Currently, small uncrewed surface and subsurface vessels lack the range and endurance desired to support maritime sensing requirements.  To achieve range and endurance goals, we seek technologies that support refueling or recharging of uncrewed systems.

How may we integrate emerging technologies to successfully dock two systems at sea and/or transfer energy without a human in the loop?

Some considerations:

  • These systems may include surface or subsurface vessels or platforms.
  • We are interested in vessel-to-vessel docking/transfer, as well as platform-to-vessel docking/transfer. The platform could be a floating or seabed charging station, or similar semi-fixed platform.
  • Energy may be transferred as fuel or electricity.
  • Consider that docking should be able to take place in moderate sea states.
  • Ideally, docking and transfer would be completed without any human interaction.
  • Energy transfer rates should support reasonable refuel/recharge times.
  • Contactless transfer of energy could potentially alleviate the need for docking. Contactless methods are of interest if possible in the maritime environment.
  • Docking and energy transfer should be done in a way to minimize any adverse impacts to the environment or sea life.

Interested in presenting?  Contact London Tech Bridge: Marc Christino, [email protected]  with a short explanation of how your company’s product or technology (even in development) can address some or all of the problem statement.

The London Tech Bridge is a collaboration between the US Navy and Royal Navy to foster connectivity, agility, and innovation.  It supports dialogue, joint investment, and cooperative development between two navies as they endeavor to advance from Interoperability to Interchangeability.  Set in Central London’s booming technology ecosystem spanning academia, industry, and government, it is ideally positioned to harness technology faster for Sailors and Marines

Middle East – Road to COP28, Offshore Renewables and New Energies MENA perspective

0830-12030hrs GST | Followed by Refreshments

Overview slide

Watch the presentations HERE

As the world continues to suffer through a global energy crisis, a shock of unprecedented breadth and complexity is unfolding. The recent geo-political events have transformed a rapid economic recovery from the pandemic – which strained global supply chains, among them energy – into a full-blown energy crisis.

Governments, policymakers, academics, and industry experts are reconsidering their strategic priorities, while the “security of supply, affordability, and sustainability” trilemma has lately become more relevant topic than ever. In this direction, the emergence of new energy technologies, the expanded use of renewable energy sources, hydrogen technologies, CCUS, energy storage, electrified transport, and electrified heat to address the problem of energy supply adequacy, climate change and environmental protection have become imperative.

In the light of the new geopolitical landscape and towards a relevant turning point into cleaner and more secure energy systems, SUT are pleased to bring together a program to showcase offshore, marine and subsea developments and technologies with a potential to contribute to the renewable energy mix within the MENA region.

Program details:

Carbon Capture Technologies

Offshore Renewables


Hosted by Khalifa University through the Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen (RICH Center)

Venue details: Khalifa University, Sas Al Nakl Campus (formerly The Petroleum Institute).
The event is to be held in the ADCO Auditorium, Zarkuh Building (Building 1).


thank you to our sponsors

MRIC Seminar Series: The Society for Underwater Technology – How it Supports Ocean Science and Robotics

Wednesday 26 July 2023 | 1400-1500hrs | Online via Zoom

We would be delighted if you could join us online for the next installment of the MRIC Seminar Series.

Nick Swift will present the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) and its Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and how these support Ocean Science, focusing on the work of the SUT’s Panel on Underwater Robotics. The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) is a multidisciplinary learned society that brings together organisations and individuals with a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering, and the presentation will highlight recent activities and contribution to the worldwide facilitation of Ocean Science and Technologies. The SUT was founded in 1966 and has members from more than 40 countries, including engineers, scientists, other professionals and students working in these areas. In recent decades many of our members have come from the offshore hydrocarbon sector, today we also see growing numbers of members from offshore renewables, marine autonomous systems, and the policy, law and insurance sectors who support offshore activities of many kinds.

We look forward to seeing you online!

Oceans of Knowledge 2023


Institute of Physics London and Remote Participation Worldwide


18 October 2023 | 0900 – 1730hrs followed by networking drinks reception

SUT is happy to be an event partner for Oceans of Knowledge 2023 – we are pleased to offer SUT members a bespoke code that will allow you to purchase a ticket for the event at the same price as an IMarEST member. Please register using code SUTOOK23

Beyond that contained in the Earth’s crust, the ocean holds by far the largest stock of carbon on our planet, dwarfing carbon in the atmosphere and soils.

How can we make most effective use of the ocean’s capacity to produce oxygen and sequester carbon in delivery of net zero and beyond, while regenerating healthy ocean environments and essential ecosystem services? What can be achieved through restoration of natural ocean systems that contribute to removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or the use of other climate repair solutions?

The ‘Beyond Net Zero – The role of the ocean in climate repair’ edition of the Oceans of Knowledge conference series, at the Institute of Physics in London on 18 October 2023, will explore these opportunities. The conference will set this critical future use of the ocean into the context of associated scientific, technological, engineering, operational and regulatory challenges. It will focus on the ocean data, information and knowledge needed to inform use of the ocean in climate repair.

Click here to view the programme.

Aberdeen – Subsea Awareness Course

20-24th November 2023 | Palm Court Aberdeen

Do you want to know more about Subsea Technology and Operations in Offshore Energy?

– then the SUT’s Subsea Awareness Course is geared towards YOU.

The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) delivers a foundation-level Subsea Awareness Course (SAC) that is suitable for personnel across the full spectrum: Operators / Developers, Contractors, Technology suppliers and other interested organisations, for example; Government, Legal, Finance, and Engineering Houses.

This course provides underpinning knowledge for new entrants in the subsea sector of the offshore energy industry, as well as offering a refresher for experienced professionals seeking to update their knowledge.

Course Description

The course is delivered by experienced personnel from across the sector from Operators / Developers, Contractors and Technology Suppliers many of whom are recognised authorities within their organisations providing deep insight to the complete lifecycle of a subsea asset in both oil and gas and offshore renewables; covering design, installation, operations and ultimately decommissioning.

The course offers a balance of classroom and site visits to manufacturing plants and operating centres, thereby providing a broad spectrum of opportunity to engage and share knowledge with our highly experienced and respected industry personnel.

  • The course has been run by the SUT since early 1990s, with continual refreshing to reflect the changing technological developments over the period and is geared for industry personnel who wish to expand their knowledge of offshore energy subsea systems.
  • The modules are delivered by experienced personnel from Operators, Contractors and Technology System Suppliers to offer broad and ranging perspectives of the sector.
  • Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learned. In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products designed for subsea service.

Who should attend?

  • New Entrants who are already technically qualified but are just entering the offshore energy industry and / or the subsea sector
  • Technically qualified, experienced personnel who require to undergo a technology transfer and conversion process from another relevant discipline into the subsea sector
  • Personnel who have worked in subsea earlier in their career and appreciate the benefit to be had from a refresher course that includes exposure to the latest technologies and techniques
  • Non-technical personnel from the likes of the Government, Legal or Finance sectors who are regularly dealing with the subsea sector will also find the course rewarding

Day 1 – Introduction to the Subsea Sector

  • Introduction & Course Overview
  • Oil & Gas Field Developments
  • Host & Facility Options
  • Offshore Renewables Developments
  • Development Decision Processes

Day 2 – Oil-field equipment & Flow Assurance

  • Oil-field equipment architecture
  • Flow Assurance and how it impacts system design and operation
  • Wellhead, Tree & Manifold Systems – Design Manufacturing and Testing (Site Visit)

Day 3 – Offshore Renewables Technologies & Subsea Control Systems

  • Offshore Renewables Structures – fixed and floating options
  • Subsea Power Cables in offshore renewables
  • Subsea Umbilicals in oil and gas
  • Subsea Controls (site visit) architecture, components, manufacture & test, operations

Day 4 – Pipeline & Riser Systems

  • Pipeline & Riser Options – Design and Manufacturing
  • Pipeline & Riser Options – Installation Methods
  • ROV & Diver Operations (Site Visit)

Day 5 – Subsea Operation, Decommission, and the Future

  • Subsea Operations – Inspection, Maintenance & Repair
  • Decommissioning – Regulations, Operations, Facilities, Re-use
  • Future Technologies – Hydrogen, CCS, Electrification


SUT Member £1900 (+VAT) (This rate is also available to members of EEEGR, OES, EIC, IMCA, and NOF)

Non-Member £2200 (+VAT)


Cancellations are subject to a 25% administration fee where the cancellation is made more than one calendar month before the date of the training course. No refund is payable for a cancellation made within the calendar month immediately prior to the training course – in this event the full sum shown on the invoice remains payable.

Delegates may wish to nominate a substitute in their place.

Click here to see the joining instructions and further information.

Registration has closed for this course.