Aberdeen – Gadgets and Widgets

The SUT is pleased to return with the very popular Gadgets and Widgets evening meeting on 30 August 2023 at Aberdeenshire Cricket Club, Morningside Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7FB

This meeting features short-fire presentations on nine of the latest technology developments. The presentation session will be followed by a buffet and networking session where audience and presenters can interact, and potentially see some demonstrations of working equipment or software.

  1. Advanced tracking, detection, and AI algorithms: How Teledyne’s hydrographic solutions are evolving to meet the needs of a new generation of remote and autonomous vehicles, Ed Cheesman – Teledyne
  2. The Ocean Aurora Remote Survey Vessel (RSV): Development and Advantages, Alasdair Cowie – MCS Oil
  3. ISA500: Altitude, Attitude, FMD, and now… Echogram!, Asser Awaad – Impact Subsea
  4. Cutting Edge: Subsea Data Centers, Maxie Reynolds – Subsea Cloud
  5. Rotech Subsea – RS3 controlled flow excavation tool development, Kevin Ingram – Rotech Subsea
  6. 3D scanning for retro-fit design, Richard Drennan – Viewport3
  7. So MUX to do in so little time, Joseph Souter – Imenco
  8. TrustLink Hybrid – The Next Generation Connector, Chris Wallace – MacArtney
  9. Origin – The Latest In Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling, Alan MacDonald – Sonardyne

Can Offshore Operations be Environmentally Sustainable?

Click here for the flyer including programme

0830-1630hrs | Crowne Plaza, Aberdeen

Cost (ex VAT)

Members £149 | Non-Members £199 | Students £60

Sponsorship opportunities are available, if you wish to sponsor this event, please contact [email protected].

The Society for Underwater Technology, The Hydrographic Society in Scotland & The International Marine Contractors Association are pleased to announce our programme for our joint seminar.​

Sustainability is an increasingly discussed topic in the offshore energy industry, with terms like Net-Zero operations, electrification, carbon capture, renewable energy, alternative fuels and remote operations all critical to the overall sustainability goal.

In an age of energy transition, hydrocarbon recovery continues to be important for energy security while renewable energies become an increasing factor in the energy mix. However, hydrocarbon recovery is also of extreme economic importance in support of funding energy transition and Net-Zero goals, while also continuing to be extremely important for non-energy related requirements such as plastics and pharmaceuticals.

How can offshore operations be as environmentally sensitive as possible?


09:00 – 09:15 Introduction Keynote Speaker – Ross Dornan (OEUK)

09:15 – 10:30 Electrification

Bodhi Sarkar: Glasgow Caledonian University/Verlume
Co-Location of Hybrid Offshore Renewable for Off-Grid Electrification: Case Study on North Sea Assets

Julien Manach: Subsea 7
Comparison between an integrated all-electric subsea production system and a standard electro-hydraulic system

11:00 – 12:15 Environmental Protection

Peter Toxopeüs: Fugro
Moving to Net-Zero – the role of alternative fuels

Kris Vedat: P&O Maritime
FlexDelivery Optimising Offshore Logistics

Gregor Strachan: Oceaneering
Protecting Marine Mammals: Improving Accuracy of Identification and Safely Increasing Operational Windows

12:15 – 13:15 LUNCH

13:15 – 13:30 IMCA Update – Mary Ntamark

13:30 – 14:45 Optimisation & Remote Operations

John Murray: FutureOn
Optimising offshore wind farm design by contextualising key data layers in a design digital twin

Charlie Reith & Dr Ciprian Zavoianu: SeaFlo
Services Remote Maritime Operations Augmented by Intelligent Asset Digital Twin Technology and Low Touch Energy Solutions

Matthew Brannan: EIVA
How to optimise offshore vehicle time via better planning tools, smarter automated vehicle behaviours and rigorous quality control

15:15 – 16:30 ROBOTICS

Alan Anderson: Oceaneering
The role of subsea robotics in sustainable operations: Solutions designed to support the energy transition

Kevin Murray: MacArtney
eLARS – The world’s first all-electric launch and recovery system

Steven Cowie: Nauticus
Net-Zero Operations using shore-based Operations, Supervised Autonomy and Machine Intelligence

SUT London & South of England Branch Annual Pub Quiz


Where did Jacques Piccard boldly go?

Where is the Weddell Sea and what was discovered there in March 2022?

After last year’s thrilling finish, a tie between the quiz titans of Petrofac and Consub, it is time to resume battle for the SUT’s Pub Quiz Crown (with accompanying orb, staff, sword, and armills).

All Learned Members of the SUT are invited to attend the London and South East Branch’s 7th Annual Pub Quiz at the Ye Olde Watling, 29 Watling Street, EC4M 9BR. Planned start time 7pm, probable finish time 10pm with a buffet served between rounds.

Corporate Members are invited to send teams (5-person teams max); individual members can form a scratch team on the night.

There is a limit on 50 attendees due to space restrictions at the venue and as such all teams and persons are encouraged to pre-register to avoid bitter disappointment on the night.

Following the quiz, there will be an opportunity to toast success or drown sorrows at the bar.

Special thanks to Andrew Tebboth our quiz master for the night.


A big Thank You to our sponsors Consub and Petrofac


London & South of England – Carbon Capture & Sequestration: Challenges, Updates and Developments

This event is free to attend but pre-booking is essential, registrations close at 1700 on 23rd June

Join the SUT London & South of England branch committee for their first face-to-face event in 2023; we will hear from Wood and the IOGP.

Wood Group: Flow Assurance challenges in CCS projects
Presenter: Jon Blyton, Principal Flow Assurance Engineer, Wood Plc

The safe design and operation of CCS transportation and storage systems presents unique Flow Assurance challenges. The presentation will discuss the nature of CO2 fluid, implications of impurities and the unique challenges in CO2 dense phase pipeline depressurisation.

IOGP Update
Presenter: Kevin Spencer, Project Engineer, IOGP

Overview of recent IOGP publications and work programme supporting the scale-up of CCS projects.

Subsea CCS Developments
Presenter: David Saul, BP

An overview of the IOGP Subsea Committee’s current work scopes and activities, before diving into the Committee’s work on CCS in more detail, including an update on subsea CCS developments and activity.


Many thanks to our hosts, Beazley!

Aberdeen – Subsea Electrification – Where Water and Electricity Mix

Registration from 1730hrs | Presentations start 1800hrs

Please note tickets must be purchased online, there is no facility to take payments on the door.

Subsea Electrification – where water and electricity mix

Electrification has long been recognised as a key enabler for net zero offshore operations, but uptake has been notoriously slow. However, recent subsea technology developments are bringing the all-electric subsea field closer to realisation, not least driven by demands for reduced OPEX and CAPEX, increases in tieback distances and emission reduction targets. This evening meeting will present some exciting developments in the field of electrification, as the industry inches closer to fully sustainable offshore operations.


“All Electric Control Systems – A new architecture” Jan-Trygve Borlaug,  Product Specialist Engineer, Aker Solutions

When seeking a solution that balances safety, performance and cost, Aker Solutions have developed an innovative distributed All Electric controls system architecture.In this architecture, the control modules are distributed to each valve, enabling flexible system solutions, and challenging the current perception of subsea control systems with regards to safety and operational characteristics


Electrification of Production Systems” Daniele Petrone, Global Life of Field Solutions Manager, OneSubsea

An slb view on holistic approach of benefits of electrification from completion to topside, as we believe only integration will really unlock benefits of going electric. The reduced carbon footprint of the approach will also be discussed


“Intelligent energy management for electrification of offshore operations using clean energy” Richard Knox, CEO, Verlume

Recognising the challenge of renewable energy intermittency and energy security needs for offshore operations, this presentation will cover Verlume’s work combining seabed battery storage with wave energy to deliver emission-free, renewable power and communications to subsea infrastructure, ROVs and AUVs. Discussions will also cover the use case for intelligent energy management and storage technologies for larger power applications, using offshore wind turbine generators.


North of England – Site Visit – Port of Blyth and Enshore

Registration and Refreshments 1700hrs
Tour 1730-1930hrs, followed by Networking and Refreshments

Enshore car park, South Harbour, Port of Blyth, Blyth NE24 3PB

Port of Blyth & Enshore – Site Tour​

Henry Oakes, Enshore​

Enshore is known for its pioneering work offshore supporting development of Offshore Wind Farms and other subsea infrastructure. This site visit will tour their workshop facility to view some of their offshore equipment and the facilities and skills needed to prepare the machines for offshore work scopes.​

After the site visit, Enshore has kindly offered to host an informal networking event with refreshments​


Costs (+VAT)

SUT Member – £5
Non-Member £7.50
Student Members – FREE




North of England events are kindly sponsored by


SUT | MTS Webinar – Insuring Marine Technologies and Equipment

Tuesday 13 June 2023 | 11:00 AM12:00 PM EDT
This event is FREE to attend, but booking is essential.


Keith Broughton, Underwriter – Underwater Marine, Beazley

Keith Broughton, a highly experienced underwriter who specializes in underwater systems including autonomous underwater vehicles and seabed-systems. Keith was a Royal Navy officer and mine clearance diver for a decade before entering the insurance sector, and is also an accomplished sailor and a qualified marine biologist. Keith joined Beazley in August 2016, after the acquisition of Leviathan by Beazley, to add a specialist subsea equipment underwriting element to the Marine Team.

Andrew Woollven, Managing Director, EODEX US

A former Royal Naval Warfare Commander and Mine Clearance Diving Specialist he has throughout his career been involved in EOD and underwater clearance operations all over the globe having held a number of high-profile assignments both in the UK and abroad, including sea command and command of UK military diving training. With a rich portfolio of achievements Andrew sits at the operational helm of a company that has been specifically formed to bring the very best military counter UXO processes for use within the commercial subsea sector with safety, environmental safeguarding and cost efficiency as central pillars of its delivery. He is a masters graduate of Kings College and a Member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers.

Andy Elvin, President, EODEX US

Andy brings a unique level of knowledge from 35 years as a Royal Navy Warfare Officer. With 30 years specialist experience in deep mine warfare, diving and explosive ordnance disposal, Andrew served a third of his career alongside, and embedded with various US Navy Commands. His final tour was as the Deputy US Mine Warfare Commander in Bahrain and Captain UK Mine Warfare. Dealing with all forms of military ordnance during conflict including ERW, MEC and UXOs, he has amassed a wealth of experience, operating with multi-national commercial, military and industrial organizations, from the Americas through Europe to the Middle and Far East.

Oceanology International 2024

Whether you have been a part of Oceanology International before or are joining us for the first time, we look forward to seeing you in London.

For more information and to register please click here.

Find SUT on stand P18.

SUT Events taking place at Oi 2024

Click for more information

12th March – UXO in the Marine Environment – SUT Oi Session  – 1330-1700hrs, South Gallery Room 9

12th March – Women in Industry – SUT Oi Session – 1430-1330hrs, Ocean Futures Theatre

14th March – Oceans Careers – SUT Oi Session – 1130-1300hrs, Ocean Futures Theatre

An Introduction to Offshore Geophysics & Geotechnical Engineering

Since 2010 the Imperial College Geotechnics Group has been arranging, along with the Society for Underwater Technology, a one day “Masterclass course” to be given on Offshore Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering at Imperial College (Skempton Building).

This is a one-day short course hosted at Imperial College and will take place this year on Thursday 8th June 2023, from 10.00am-5.00pm, in Room 201, Skempton Building, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London.

We can offer online registration for currently enrolled geotechnical/geoscience MSc students who would like to join our one-day Masterclass on 8th June.


OSIGp June 2023 – Recent Advancements in Pile Design & Installation

The Society for Underwater Technology – OSIGp invite you to their:

Recent Advancements in Pile Design & Installation

Date: Thursday, 15 June 2023

Venue: The Melbourne Hotel – Karingal Room 2

Address: 33 Milligan St, Perth, Western Australia

Time: 5.30pm – 8.00pm   **Drinks & finger food provided**

1. New proposed ISO/API unified CPT-based Method for Axial Pile Capacity

Prof. Barry Lehane, Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, The University of Western Australia

Offshore foundation costs are motivating the offshore energy sector to find better design methods. This presentation summarizes an industry project leading to ISO-19901-4 (CPT-based) design methods for driven pile axial capacity. The basic mechanisms supporting the format of the expressions proposed for shaft friction and end bearing in sands and clays are described. It is shown how these expressions, which are calibrated against a database of the most reliable load tests reported in the literature, lead to better predictions of capacity of this database compared to other methods and also lead to good predictions for a separate database of load tests involving piles driven into deposits comprising interbedded layers of sand, silt and clay.

2. New CPT Design Method for Axial Capacity of Screw Piles in Sand

Eduardo Bittar, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Arup

Screw piles are commonly used for low and medium-rise construction and are ideal when resistance to significant uplift loads is needed. Their ease of removal, low noise, and quick installation have led to increased use in solar farms and sparked interest in offshore wind applications, driving a need to improve design methods. This presentation offers a simple method to predict screw pile capacity and required installation torque using CPT data.

3. Avoiding Pile Free Fall in Offshore Design

Carl Erbrich, Technical Director, Fugro

Pile free-fall is a danger for offshore pile foundation design. It happens when a “hard layer” that can support the weight of a pile is followed by a “soft layer” that cannot. Once the pile goes through the hard layer, it drops uncontrollably until the soil can stop it. The talk will show that even soil without this stratigraphy can cause free-fall due to drainage, remoulding, and water entrapped. The talk will give an overview of relevant mechanics and risks involved in pile installation assessments currently not appreciated by the industry.

To view the flyer, click OSIGp FLYER – Recent Advances in Pile Design & Installation.

For further enquiries, please contact OSIGp directly by emailing:

Eduardo Bittar ([email protected])

Thank you to our event sponsors: