Aberdeen Branch AGM

The Aberdeen Branch AGM will take place on-line at 12 noon on Thursday 14th January 2021.

Click here to register. Registering in advance is essential.  Please Note: Only Members of the SUT (Individual Members and Corporate ‘named’ persons) are allowed to attend the AGM. There is no charge for the event.

Click to see the 2019-20 Annual Branch Report and the 2019-20 Annual Accounts.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


SUT LSE Lunchtime Webinar – Offshore and Subsea Engineering for the London Insurance Community

  • Do you need to know more about the Offshore Oil and Gas industry?
  • Are you mystified and confused by acronyms and technical jargon?

Join us on Zoom at 12:00 GMT on 15th December 2020 for a FREE, live lunchtime taster session of our brand new online training course specifically created for non-technical personnel.

We will be introducing the key equipment and processes involved in the life cycle of a subsea project from initial concept through to final decommissioning.

There will be an opportunity for your input during the webinar with a Q&A session at the end.

Presented by Mark Murawiecki; FSUT, FIMechE

Mark has a broad range of experience in subsea engineering and has worked for equipment suppliers, engineering contractors and latterly for bp on major offshore projects.
His unique oilfield experience of working offshore and in both project Design and Operational roles enables him to provide a complete picture of this complex industry.
He is an experienced tutor and presented subsea engineering courses on behalf of Jee Ltd, including customised ones for Chevron in New Orleans, Houston and Perth.

Register in advance for this meeting:



Perth – OSIGp Movie Night

The Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Perth (OSIGp) invites you to attend their 2021 Movie Night and networking evening.

This event is a relaxing evening of short movies showcasing aspects of science, technology, project execution, engineering, and innovation followed by industry networking. Presenters narrate the silent movies live to provide commentary and unique insight.


  • O-Tube laboratory at UWA: sediment transport around subsea structures – Hongwei An
  • Mattress Stability Physical Model Testing – Claye Jensen
  • An Update from Star of the South Offshore Wind Farm, Australia – Stella Bodman
  • Riding the Wave to a Sustainable Future: Young Researchers in Ocean Energy Research – Dr Wiebke Ebeling


Perth – Subsea Controls Down Under Ice-Breaker Function – The Raft

We invite you to attend this Ice-Breaker Function to open the Subsea Controls Down Under 2022 (SCDU 2022) Conference. A relaxed night of networking over drinks and canapes with your fellow subsea professionals. Please book your tickets early to ensure you don’t miss out!

Enjoy sweeping views of Perth City onboard The Raft, a floating Functions Pontoon on the Swan River.


  • Ice-Breaker Function ONLY – Members AUD$80 + GST
  • Ice-Breaker Function ONLY – Non-Members AUD$110 + GST

We highly recommend that you register for the FULL conference ticket which includes entry to the Ice-Breaker Function, attendance at all technical sessions, presentations, lunch, refreshments and the conference sundowner and closing drinks sessions. For more details, please refer to SCDU 2022 page.


Thankyou to our Event Sponsor:







Perth – Subsea Controls Down Under 2022 Conference

This international conference in the field of “Subsea Controls & Data Acquisition” is aimed at the diverse disciplines engaged in subsea controls technology. The goal is to share experiences by networking, discussing global and regional challenges, showcasing ways of bringing new ideas and technology to the market, sharing learnings and providing an understanding from an operator’s viewpoint on how the industry can benefit from operational and project experiences.

See you again in October 2024!


Many thanks for attending the conference. We really appreciate your honest feedback to build on future events, please fill out the feedback form and email to [email protected]


We are currently seeking approval from each presenter, once these have been approved will be uploaded.


Session A

* Ronan Michel, Alcatel
* Ned Chapman, Baker Hughes
* Gill Postlethwaite, Siemens Energy
* Olav Brakstad, ClampOn
* Kevin Glanville, Proserv – Not approved for distribution 
* Fergus Murray, Sensorlink (Axess Group)* David Liddy, MacDermid 

Session B
* John S Løvås, TechnipFMC
* Ana Requejo & Ralf Wierse, OneSubsea
* Henrik Guldbrandsøy, ABB
* Phil Manfield, SEAR JIP


Session C

* William Wagland, OneSubsea- Not approved for distribution 
* Eduardo Coelho & Alexandre Rabello, Petrobras
* Sturle Haaland, Emerson Automation Solutions – Not approved for distribution 
* James Carnegie, Viper Innovations Ltd
* Olav Brakstad, ClampOn
* Greg Smith, C-Kore Systems

Session D
* Benjamin Roux, Inpex 
* Flavio Bruni, Pressure Dynamics International
* Andrea Laudazi, Baker Hughes
* Si Yeaw, Aker Solutions

Thank you to our major sponsors:





Thank you to our Ice-Breaker sponsor:







Thank you to our Conference Drinks sponsor:




Thank you to our Lunch Break sponsor:





Thank you to our Exhibitors:



Perth – Subsea Engineering Competency Framework Launch

Hosted by:


Sponsored by:


The Society for Underwater Technology and Engineers Australia are excited to launch the Subsea Engineering Competency Framework to the public.

This development has been a voluntary collaboration between individuals and companies involved in Subsea Engineering in Australia and abroad.

The initial Framework has been developed to recognise Chartered Professional Engineers, CPEng (Subsea Engineering). Details here. We are currently working on extending that Framework to encompass the entire career of all involved in Subsea, from students through to Subject Matter Experts including Engineering Technologists and Engineering Associates.

This event will explore:

  • What does the SECF look like?
  • How does the SECF work?
  • Who can use the SECF?
  • Acknowledgements
  • Future developments

Light refreshments and networking opportunity following the presentations.




Perth – Annual Dinner

We hope to see you at our Annual Gala Dinner on Friday 26th November 2021 – the highlight of our social calendar and a fantastic opportunity for an evening with your colleagues and clients.

Always a fantastic evening, you can now reserve your individual place or a table of 10.

This year our event will be held at the Ritz-Carlton, in the Elizabeth Quay Ballroom.

To register for the dinner please complete the registration form and email it to Perth Events

Thank you to our 2021 confirmed event sponsors:




For further information or Sponsorship Opportunities please contact our Events Team

Annual Dinner Cancellation Policy
Refunds will be made on written cancellations received up to 30 working days prior to the event, but will be subject to a 15% administration charge. Cancellations received 30 —15 working days prior to the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations received 14 working days prior (or less) to the event will not be refunded.


Perth – The Life-Cycle of Flexible Risers & Flowlines Course

This course has been developed by flexible pipe manufacturers and key companies associated with system design, failure mode analysis, and integrity management of flexible flowlines and risers.

The course is aimed at those who specify, purchase, approve, install, operate, manage the integrity of, or decommission flexible risers or flowlines, including jumpers and will provide enough knowledge for them to feel comfortable with their responsibilities. Course content and suitability is likely to apply to both engineers and non-engineers at various stages in their careers.

To register for this course please download the registration form and return to our Events Team via email.

This course is proudly supported by: