Perth – Annual General Meeting

The Perth Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology takes great pleasure in inviting you to attend their  Annual General Meeting featuring:

 A Tale of Two Submarines
Keynote Presenters: Noel Boylan (NGI) and Ian Hobbs (Fugro)


5.30 pm – Registration
6.00 pm – AGM and Keynote Presentations
7.35 pm –  Networking

For further information please view the flyer.

Please contact Trish Slapp for further information.

To view all photos from this event click here.



North Sea Decommissioning – What Does the Future Hold?

SUT+ would like to extend an invite to our event ‘North Sea Decommissioning – What Does the Future Hold?’ on Wednesday 25th April 2018 in Lecture Theatre FN2, Fraser Noble Building, University of Aberdeen.

The event will offer a series of presentations designed to give an insight into some of the challenges that the industry faces and different options available in the decommissioning of oil & gas infrastructure in the UKCS. Each presentation will be followed by some Q&A, with an opportunity to ask more general questions to the panel as a whole at the end of the event.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr Tom Leeson, Interim CEO – Decom North Sea, who will be discussing some of the major challenges that the industry is likely to face over the coming years

  • Professor Tom Baxter, Aberdeen University, who will be presenting on ‘Decommissioning, the sustainability challenge’

  • Steve Murphy, Finance Director – Pale Blue Dot, who will be presenting on the potential re-use of oil & gas infrastructure for Carbon Capture & Storage

This is a free to attend event however pre-registration is essential. Registrations and drinks & nibbles will be available from 17:30, with presentations beginning at 18:00 sharp! 

With thanks to the University of Aberdeen for hosting.

London & South of England Branch SUT Summer Reception

Join us again this summer aboard the HQS Wellington for our  SUT Summer Reception, moored on the River Thames between the City and the West End, with unparalleled views up and down the Thames,  spanning the London Eye, Big Ben and St Paul’s Cathedral.

Thursday 21st June, 2018 from 1800 -2230

Dress code – Smart Casual

Band – “Risky Business”

Good Food & Free Bar!

£87.50 per head

Great opportunity for client networking!

To book your tickets please email [email protected]






Thank you to our sponsors:

SUT+ London and South of England: SPEED NETWORKING

Come along to an SUT+ evening of speed networking; a chance to meet and network with other peers in the first ~10 years of their careers across the Offshore Renewables, Subsea Engineering and Ocean Science sectors.

Doors open from 6pm, event starts 7pm

Buffet food will be provided. Drinks will be available from the bar throughout the event.

Marine Minerals: A New Resource for the 21st Century

Marine minerals activities are gathering pace. More and more entities are seeking licences from the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for manganese nodule exploration and mining in the North Pacific and for hydrothermal minerals exploration and mining on mid-ocean ridges worldwide. The U.K. has an important role in marine minerals activities through its sponsorship of several exploration licences with the ISA and active marine minerals research by the NOC, BGS and Universities in U.K. waters and the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Central themes of the Conference will include research on these increasingly important mineral deposits and their resource potential, together with mining and environmental considerations.

Expected highlights:

  • Metalliferous brines and sediments in the Red Sea
  • Arctic Ocean ferromanganese crusts
  • Central Pacific ferromanganese nodules
  • Indian Ocean ferromangese nodules and crusts
  • Hydrothermal minerals pff PNG
  • Hydrothermal minerals on the MOR including the Norwegian EEZ
  • Ferromangese nodules in the Cook Islands EEZ
  • Hydrothermal minerals and ferromanganese crusts in the NE Atlantic and NW Pacific
  • Placer minerals in EEZs

For more information click here.