Perth – SUT & SPE Golf Day 2018

We warmly welcome you to join the Society for Underwater Technology and the Society for Petroleum Engineers for their second collaborative golf day, starting nice and early this year to be the industry’s Golf Season Opener.
Following the success of last year’s Golf Day, we are heading back to Maylands Peninsula Golf Course to again enjoy the stunning city-scape views, and be challenged by the course’s fresh water lakes and gentle undulations.
As ever, golfers will enjoy a great day of fun and networking on the course, along with catering, drinks, driving range practice, the opportunity at a putting competition, the chance to win tremendous prizes, not to mention the golfers gift bag.

To register visit:

Click here for Flyer

Click here for Sponsorship Packages

Contact Trish Slapp for further details and sponsorship opportunities.

To view all photos from this event click here.

Perth – Subsea Controls Down Under Conference

This international conference in the field of Subsea Controls & Data Acquisition was aimed at those engaged in the control, monitoring & distribution of subsea systems. The conference provided a unique forum for operators and suppliers of subsea controls & umbilical systems, topside distributed control systems and downhole technologies to network and exchange views and experiences.

The aim of this conference was to bring together the many diverse disciplines engaged internationally in Controls and Umbilical technology, to share experiences and discuss regional challenges, as well as new advances in global subsea technology. For this conference the theme was “Technology Reliability & Availability Through Collaboration”, showcasing ways of bringing new ideas and technology to provide operational cost savings, and from an operator’s & suppliers viewpoint how we can learn from experiences locally and internationally.

Final Programme: click here
Photo Collage: click here or to view all photos from this event click here.
Post-event Report: click here 

Presentations (Session A): 

Presentations (Session B): 

Presentations (Session C): 

Presentations (Session D): 

For further information contact Jennifer Maninin.


Many thanks to our 2018 Conference Organising Committee:
Helena Forsyth, INPEX; Ross Hendricks, TechnipFMC; David Keilty, Chevron Australia; Julien Levadoux, OneSubsea; Harry Mackay, Woodside Energy Ltd;  Jennifer Maninin, SUT; Norman O’Rourke, INTECSEA; Harvey Smith, Woodside Energy Ltd; Derek Thomson, Shell Australia and Paul Upjohn, ATV Spa

Perth – Evening Technical Meeting: The Wind & the Waves… Renewable Energy Developments through learnings from Oil & Gas

Click here for the post-event report

Click here for the flyer.

Presentations for this Technical Meeting are as follows:

Placing Albany on the map of the world’s leading renewable energy cities
Christophe Gaudin – UWA

Renewable energy – Building on the foundation of Oil & Gas 
Laith Tapper – NGI

Design and installation aspects relating to monopile and jacket foundations for wind turbine generators.
ir. Andre Andringa – Boskalis

Thank you to our event sponsors: Norwegian Energy Partners and University of Western Australia/Wave Energy Research Centre.

To view all photos from this event click here.


Perth – Subsea Awareness Course

This five-day Course has been designed by industry and is suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to subsea, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt.  In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.

The course also hosts two site visits, taking delegates out of the classroom and into the real life subsea industry plus a networking dinner.

Click here for flyer or contact Patricia Slapp for further information.

Perth – Metocean Awareness Course

Metocean is a discipline covering meteorology and physical oceanography, and is concerned with quantifying the impact and effect of weather and sea
conditions on a wide range of activities in the offshore oil & gas and renewables.

This is an essential course providing a greater understanding of Metocean and how the application of Metocean information can benefit your organisation
particularly with respect to:

  • Improved safety
  • Better decision-making and planning
  • Reduced costs

For all offshore industries, the effects of meteorology and oceanography (metocean) have a major impact on design and operations. The Metocean Awareness Course is aimed at those who need to have a greater understanding of metocean conditions worldwide and how they might impact the effectiveness of their work.

For more information and registration please view the course flyer or Contact Patricia Slapp.

Perth – Evening Technical Meeting: Real Subsea Accomplishments in Digital Technology

Click here for the post-event report

Click here for flyer

Presentations for this Technical Meeting are as follows:

Early insights: How digital engineering made a fast-track project possible
James Knipe, Lead Pipeline Engineer , Subsea Engineering Associates

Integrity Management of Flexible Risers using a “Digital Twin”
Hema Wadhwa, Engineering Specialist, INTECSEA

Free Spanning Pipelines in the Digital Age
Nicholas Nielsen, Engineer, O&G Australia Operations, DNV GL – Oil & Gas

Cyber Security for an IoT World
David De Lima, Consulting Systems Engineer – Security, Cisco Systems

To view all photos from this event click here.

Perth – Evening Technical Meeting: Piper Alpha, 30 Years Later

Post-event report

Event Flyer

Presentations for this Technical Meeting were as follows:

Remembering Piper Alpha – The Night that Changed Our World
Paul Farquharson, Systems & Materials Engineering Leader, Baker Hughes, a GE Company

PiperAlpha – Testimonies and the Cullen Inquiry
Brendan Fitzgerald, Managing Director, Vanguard Solutions

Piper Alpha – The Catalyst for Industry Regulation Change
Jeremy Dunster, Manager Assessment and Inspection – Vessel Facilities, NOPSEMA

Operating in the post Piper Alpha Era – an Operator’s Perspective
Ian Grant, Chief Operating Officer, Quadrant Energy

To view all photos from this event click here.



Perth – The Life-Cycle of Flexible Risers & Flowlines

This course has been developed by flexible pipe manufacturers and key companies associated with system design, failure mode analysis, and integrity management of flexible flowlines and risers. The course is aimed at those who specify, purchase, approve, install, operate, manage the integrity of, or decommission flexible risers or flowlines, including jumpers. The course should provide enough knowledge for them to feel comfortable with their responsibilities and is likely to apply to both engineers and non-engineers at various stages in their careers.


Click here for flyer or contact Patricia Slapp for further information.

Perth – Subsea Awareness Course

This five-day Course has been designed by industry and is suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to subsea, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt.  In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.

The course also hosts two site visits, taking delegates out of the classroom and into the real life subsea industry plus a networking dinner.

Click here for flyer or contact Patricia Slapp for further information.

To view all photos from this event click here.