The operation of subsea production systems requires operation, inspection and maintenance strategies that differ considerably from their onshore counterparts. This course provides an introduction to the elements of a subsea production system and how they are operated to maximise production and protect system integrity. Additionally, presenters will explore the typical operational parameters for a subsea system, the information available during normal operation and the requirements for inspection and maintenance to mitigate the many risks posed by the both the subsea environment and the produced fluids.
Click here for flyer or contact Trish Slapp for further information.
To view all photos from this event click here.
Click here for flyer
Post Event Report
The Evening Technical Meeting sub-committee have carefully put this programme together as an opportunity for universities to show case their capabilities and for you, as industry, to get an insight into the future via their presentations. This is a night for industry not to be mistaken as a night for students, though students are of course welcome. Presentation for the evening will be:
Stored Electrical Power and Potential to Change Subsea System Power Distribution
Abdul Fahad Mueed, Curtin University
Quantitative Discharge Water Analysis Using Mobile 1H NMR
Lisabeth Wagner, The University of Western Australia
Steel Lazywave Riser for Turret vs. Spread-moored FPSO in Extreme and Wave-induced Fatigue Conditions
David Szczepanski, Edith Cowan University
New Paradigms in Understanding the Behaviour of Cables and Pipelines on Rocky Seabeds
Terry Griffiths, The University of Western Australia
Contact Marketa Mesman for further information.
To view all photos from this event click here.

This two-day course has been specifically designed for people new to subsea or unfamiliar with the various corrosion considerations which need to be applied during design, construction and operation of subsea assets.
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the various materials and corrosion issues which are applicable to subsea structures. The choices made which impact one area of corrosion and integrity will often impact the choices in other areas, and also affect the long term inspection and monitoring which may be required to ensure the design life is met. Having a general overview of the interaction between the various factors and the impact that certain choices make and the equipment used in inspecting and monitoring the structures will provide attendees with a broad knowledge on the interaction which needs to be considered in any installation.
** Early Bird rates available if registration before 20th February **
Click here for flyer or contact Corelle Charles for further information.
To view all photos from this event click here.

Event Flyer
Post Event Report
Presentations for the first Technical Meeting of 2018 will be:
Latest Evolution of Vessel Lay Spreads to Meet the Challenges of Deepwater Installations
Ashley Duncan, Subsea Business Development Manager, TechnipFMC
Emerging Technologies for Subsea Inspection Repair, Maintenance & Monitoring
Marcus Hemsted, Business Development Manager, Fugro Marine Australia
IMR Vessels and Technology – Current & Future Trends
Ray Smith, Inspection Manager, DOF Subsea Australia
Next Generation Pipelay & Construction Assets
Simon Wolfe, Project Manager, McDermott Australia
Contact Patricia Slapp for further information.
To view all photos from this event click here.

Long Gas Tiebacks – Pseudo Dry Gas Systems
Lee Thomas INTECSEA (click here for presentation)
Over recent years there have been an increasing number of significant offshore gas field discoveries in deep water but located far from existing offshore facilities or suitable landfall basins round the world. In many cases there are significant technical challenges to make these developments economically viable without a step change in technology. The lecture will present an overview of innovative new technology that demonstrates 200km plus tie-back without the need of compression can be achieved.
The Impact of Composites on Future Deepwater Riser Configurations
Tom Brown, Senior Engineer 2H Offshore (click here for presentation)
In recent years the industry has begun to investigate the use of thermoplastic composite pipe for offshore applications, however, the technology is still in its infancy. Low risk applications of the technology, such as flowlines and intervention lines, have already been realised, however, more demanding applications are still a while off. The lecture will present an assessment of the potential application of thermoplastic composite pipe in a deepwater riser application, focusing on the advantages these bring when compared to conventional steel or flexible risers.
Introduction to Subsea Infrastructure.
Jerry Baker, Baker Marine Technology Ltd.
Many in the North of England Branch have extensive knowledge of their own product or service, but do not have a clear picture of where that fits into the overall scope of subsea production. The presentation describes typical subsea infrastructure and its function, and explains why it is the way it is, by looking briefly at its history. It then looks at the range of operational support and intervention required on subsea infrastructure at different stages in the lifecycle. It is intended as the first in an occasional series providing an overview of subsea engineering and operations.
SENTIO – Synthetic Environment and Virtualisation Platform
Mahesh Menon, Digital Services Manager, Soil Machine Dynamics.
SMD will present their advanced operations visualisation and planning tool. Sentio is a true physics-based platform that enables you to create physical offshore operations in a virtual space. Once created, the platform enables you to improve your environment’s operational safety, identify and mitigate risks and in turn, significantly lower your costs. The environment can be tailor-made to meet your specific requirements at any stage of the operational life cycle, from engineering assessment and training, to mission validation and de-commissioning. This ability eliminates the need for high-cost physical testing and resources. SMD will present recent case-studies of how pre-emptive engineering has been an integral and highly beneficial part of a subsea project.
Newcastle University (Armstrong Building, Room ARMB1.49, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU)
Registration & refreshments 18:00, Talks 18:30
Click here for the presentation
Please see the flyer here
Please click here to book
SUT North East Evening Events Are Kindly Sponsored By:

Oceanology International is held in London every two years. In its 47th edition, it has firmly established itself as the world leading marine science and ocean technology exhibition and conference. Each edition, Oceanology International brings together the latest technologies and thought leaders worldwide.
Attracting visitors from a variety of industries including oil & gas, engineering, renewables and maritime security and marine science, Oceanology International gives the opportunity for buyers and suppliers to do business in one location. Oceanology International offers structured networking opportunities to help suppliers establish relationships and secure business on a global scale.
Please click here for more details.
The marine environment presents a complex challenge for agencies dealing with the risk of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and developing risk mitigation strategies, tasks which are exacerbated by poor record keeping of historical data and the immense amount of airborne or naval ordnance that has either been deployed during times of conflict or dumped at sea. If the ordnance did not function as intended, then it is described as UXO and even after many years,may still explode on physical contact and certainly represents a challenge to organizations that carry out subsea operations in the marine environment.
Presention given by Richard Battrick FSEE FIExpE CEng
Richard is a Fellow of the Society for Environmental Engineers (FSEE), a Fellow of the Institute of Explosive Engineers (FIExpE) and a Chartered Engineer (CEng). He initiated the CIRIA C-754 UK industry guide for dealing with UXO in the marine environment, is a former Royal Navy Bomb Disposal Commanding Officer and is the technical lead for the IMAS 09.60 underwater EO expert focus group.
This is a free event but registering is essential
Please click here for the flyer
Join SUT+ for the opportunity to discuss the peer interview stage of the Chartership process, and a chance to review your Chartership evidence with your respective institution.
The institutions represented at this event are: IMechE, IMarEST, ICE, IET and IE
1600 Arrival of delegates
1615 Welcome, introduction and presentation
1620 Presentation: “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Chartership Interviews”
1640 Main Workshop
– Consists of 5 stands that represent each institute and a quiet conversation area;
– General information given out regarding the Chartership programme on offer;
– Group Q & A sessions regarding evidence, competencies, and so on;
– Quiet conversation area;
– 1-to-1 session about peer interview (i.e. informal peer interview or conversation about personal information).
1830 Close out of evening by SUT+;
For further information and register please click here
Please note this is a free event although registration is essential.