Young Engineers & Scientists

YES! (Young Engineers & Scientists)  is a Special Interest Group of the SUT.

With the support of the SUT Perth Branch, the purpose of YES! (Young Engineers & Scientists) initiatives and events are to:

  • Create awareness of the subsea/underwater industry amongst young engineers and scientists
  • Develop young engineers and scientists within the subsea/underwater industry
  • Provide networking opportunities to build relationships amongst young engineers and scientists within the subsea/underwater industry.
  • Introduce education groups to SUT (high school and/or universities), encouraging them to join the subsea/underwater industry

YES! 2024/25 Committee

YES! Chairperson
Martha Cornwell
[email protected]

YES! Vice Chairperson
Troy Mogan

YES! Secretary
Alex Henderson

YES! Marketing Lead
Samuel Tennent

YES! Marketing Lead
Armaan Zoeb

Committee Members

Aidan Archer
Lachlan Bird
Paula Cartwright
Martha Cornwell
Gabrielle Cummins
Cam Down
Muhammad Haziq
Alex Henderson
Sean Husband
Jamala Imanova
Samuel Jaschke
Troy Mogan
Rachel Newsome
Shubham Saraf
Nandini Szydlowski
Samuel Tennent
Chloe Williams
Armaan Zoeb

Elections for the YES! Committee are held biannually,  next election dates as follows:
September 2025 – Call out for nominations
October 2025 – Ballots if required
November 2025 – Announced

The nomination form will be available here in September 2025.

Click here for YES! Committee Rules & Operating Structure


Many thanks to our YES! 2023 Annual Sponsors:





Thank you to Woodside & Santos for being our YES! Annual Sponsors in 2023.


Further YES! Sponsorship packages available please contact the SUT Office Staff on [email protected].