WISE Future Engineers Summer School


The Future Engineers Program is a high school outreach project championed by WISE and supported by the WA oil and gas industry at large, including SUT Perth. From the 1st – 5th of October 2018, 30 high school girls were treated to an educational experience with technical lectures, hands on activities, soft skills development, office visit and site visits. The week concluded with students presenting to their parents, sponsors and volunteers on what they had learned during the week (… and competing for amazing robotic prizes of course!).

All of the students received a copy of the SUT Published Book “Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist”, an engaging (and educational) read. Maybe we’ll see some of the girls in the industry in a few years’ time!


Future Engineers Program

From the 1-5 October female high school students from years 8 – 12 have the opportunity to attend a free 5 day, STEM program. Students will have the opportunity to learn from industry professionals – where our energy comes from, what it’s like to be an engineer and enter virtual reality environments. Over the 5 days of talks, hands-on activities, office and site visits these future engineers will get to take a deep dive to learn about subsea systems and experience what it is really like offshore!

For more information on this fantastic program and how to apply please view the flyer.

Photographic processing unlocks more secrets from HMAS AE1 shipwreck

Australia’s first submarine, lost at sea for over 100 years, continues to reveal its secret history through advanced 3D processing techniques of underwater still photography. Researchers are digitally reconstructing the sunken HMAS AE1 using about 8500 still images captured of the submarine during an archaeological surveying expedition earlier this year, with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the submarine’s fate.

Read the rest of the article here.

Photo and article credit: Curtin University