London & South of England Branch Annual Summer Dinner


18.45 –
Board the P.S. Elizabethan

19.00 –

Leaves London Eye Pier

Please ensure tha you and your guest(s) are on board by 19.00 or, as the saying goes, you will have ‘missed the boat’!

Reception Drinks
Heads andTails – £10 per head in

aid of the Educational Support Fund. Envelopes on table for entry fee. £200 cash paid to the winner

19.45 –
Dinner will be served whilst cruising theThames

23.00 –
Return to the London Eye Pier

The Qualification of New Technology

As the subsea energy industry moves into deeper waters and more difficult operating environments, outside existing industry experience, additional technical risk and uncertain reliability performance is introduced. A similar challenge is faced with the deployment of new and evolving marine renewable technologies. A defined qualification process is required to manage the risk associated with the first/early/deployment of the technology. This applies as equally to the introduction of genuinely new technology, as it does to ‘stretching the envelope’ of existing hardware in a new environment.

INEC 2014

Welcome Reception and Dinner

At the end of day one all participants are cordially invited to a Welcome Reception and Dinner to be held at the Marine Establishment Amsterdam. This will give everyone an opportunity to visit the exhibition stands, ship models, poster displays and demonstrators before enjoying an informal dinner with colleagues, friends and new acquaintances.

HNLMS Tromp (F803)

HNLMS TrompHNLMS Tromp is one of four De Zeven Provinciën-class Air-defence and Command Frigates (LCF) built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding. The Frigates perform two important roles: A command role in facilitating the operations of the deployable and operational staff, and providing anti air warfare (AAW) protection for an entire fleet. The most striking characteristics are the ships’ stealth technology and high degree of automation of the ships’ systems which means that they can be operated by a ship’s company of just over 200.

Conference Reception

The Conference Reception for INEC 2014 will be hosted by the Royal Netherlands Navy aboard HNLMS Tromp. This is a unique opportunity for all participants to visit this innovative class of ship and to learn more about the role of the Royal Netherlands Navy worldwide. HNLMS Tromp will be moored in Amsterdam and transportation will be provided for all participants from the Marine Establishment Amsterdam at the close of sessions on day two.Industrial visitDue to the operational demands of HNLMS Tromp, it is regretted that the Industrial Visit which was scheduled on Friday 23 May 2014 has been cancelled. HNLMS Tromp still remains at the heart of the INEC 2014 programme with the Conference Reception hosted by the Royal Netherlands Navy taking place aboard the ship on Wednesday 21 May 2014 commencing at 1800 hours.