13:00 – 14:30 BST
Pseudo Dry Gas System – An enabling technology for remote gas fields
An overview of an Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) study to consider the economic impact of applying the innovative Pseudo Dry Gas technology to known stranded gas fields to the North of Shetland islands, making a gas gathering corridor stretching 200km and 1.7km deep. The scope included a detailed flow assurance analysis, and integrated asset modelling for multiple development options to determine the estimated total recovery. This study was supported by data from the UK Oil and Gas Authority.
The presentation will show the comparative study for a known stranded gas basin for a range of development options based on current and near-future technology in order to demonstrate the value proposition and CO2 emission reduction of the Pseudo Dry Gas technology.
The second part of this presentation will be in regards to the undergoing initial prototype testing at Cranfield University and how this relates to the study work carried out to date.
Presenter: Lee Thomas, Intecsea
A subsea engineer with 17 years’ experience in subsea engineering. Beginning his career at BP, through FosterWheeler and now INTECSEA for the last 10 years and has been involved with a number of the longest subsea gas tiebacks currently in operations. He is one of the two co-inventors of the pseudo dry gas technology and has been part of the development team since inception.
This event is free to attend, but registration is essential.
Click here to register
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The Society for Underwater Technology, The Hydrographic Society in Scotland, and the International Marine Contractors Association are pleased to announce that our popular annual joint seminar returns this year as an online event.
The world is changing at a rapid pace, energy needs are increasing in parallel with a renewed focus on sustainable operations. The global market of 2020 has so far proven that all industries require the ability to adapt to fluctuating conditions. Technology developments continue to advance to improve all aspects of offshore operations. This brings the possibility to explore further and deeper with longer tiebacks and remote wells. Technology provides efficiency improvements for day-to-day operations, enhancing the sustainability of the offshore energy industry.
As energy demand increases, the transition to non-hydrocarbon sources of energy requires a shift in technology focus. An established renewables energy industry now allows lessons learned to be shared both ways between hydrocarbon and renewables industries.
The Society for Underwater Technology, The Hydrographic Society in Scotland & The International Marine Contractors Association are pleased to announce the programme for our joint seminar. Technology developments that are key to the sustainability of energy will be discussed across three sessions. Each session will set the scene with a keynote speaker and feature elevator pitches from our sponsors presenting the latest developments.
3rd November 1300 – 1530 GMT – Getting the Subsea Industry to Net Zero
Keynote Speaker: Nadine Robinson, Technical Adviser, Environmental Sustainability, IMCA |
Michael King, Ocean Infinity |
The Armada Fleet – providing sustainable ocean information |
Trevor Pugh, UTEC |
Impact of Digitalisation on the Surveying Profession and Related Issues on Risk Management |
Karl Daly, Fugro |
Sustainability Benefits of Remote Inspection Operations |
Vincent Doedee, Heerema Marine Contractors |
How to (possibly) build the largest zero-emission vessel in the world |
4th November 1300 – 1530 GMT – Electrification & Alternative Energy
Keynote Speakers: Ian Phillips, Director, Pale Blue Dot Energy and Chris Pearson, National Subsea Centre at Robert Gordon University |
Paul Slorach, EC-OG |
Subsea Battery Storage for Integration of Marine Renewables into Offshore Operations |
Cameron McNatt, MOCEAN |
Renewables for Subsea Power |
John Butler, ZEMTECH |
Absolute Zero – Green Hydrogen project – From Marine Renewables to Zero Emission Ship Design |
Professor Simone Abram, Dr Mini Govindan, Rashmi Murali, Raihana Ferdous, University of Durham |
Prospects of offshore wind energy in the coastal regions of Bangadesh & India |
Malik Chibah, Sonardyne |
Enabling next generation wind farm operations |
5th November 1300 -1530 GMT – Innovation (Decom, Digital Twin, Life Ext)
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Richard Neilson, Director, National Decommissioning Centre |
Chetan Laddha, Sinclair Energy Partners |
Passive magnetometry for monitoring integrity and flow diagnostics of subsea pipelines |
Jack Jorgensen, University of Western Australia |
How does the Digital Twin paradigm extend the utility of simulation models? A perspective applied to the offshore energy industry |
Stephen McEntee, QWILKA |
Digital Decommissioning of Pipelines |
Andreas Dracoulis and Maren Strandevold, Haynes & Boone |
Legal issues in the energy transition: regulatory and commercial perspectives |
Sponsorship opportunities will be available with Techbyte presentation/demonstration options.
3-Day pass | Members £30.00 | Non-Members £50.00
To book your 3-day pass click here.
Click here for the Event Program
The Society for Underwater Technology invite you to attend a YES! Technical Evening
Panel Discussion:Developing a Career in the Subsea Industry
We are in rapidly changing times and the Subsea industry is no different! Thriving in the era of disruptive transformations calls for quick adaptation, innovation and excellence!
As emerging professionals, you are best placed to stay on-top of this change! Why not get it right from the start? Hear what our experienced professionals have to share. Our speakers will present you some of the very engaging stories about their career paths, challenges and skillsets to thrive in Subsea Industry
What more? Learn about exciting opportunities, make new connections, grow your network and learn what skills you will need to stay ahead in this innovative industry. So come join us!
5.45pm Registration
6.00 pm – 7.30 pm Presentations
7.30 pm – 8.30 pm Networking over food/drinks
Cost: Members $25, Non-Member $35, Student Member $15
View the flyer here
Register here
We invite you to attend Soil Inelasticity and VIV Fatigue of Pipeline Spans on Thursday 17th September at 4pm.
This session will be presented by Ralf Peek, Independent Consultant, Peek Solutions and the event is hosted by the University of Western Australia and SUT.
This event will be delivered online via Zoom and spaces are limited – please email Kath Lundy to RSVP.
View the flyer here
We invite you to attend our next Lunchtime Technical Meeting on Tuesday 1st September: What is CAN?
The CAN (Conductor Anchor Node) is a combination of suction anchor and one joint of conductor. The suction anchor pushes the conductor into the seabed, providing top support for the well.
This solution was developed to facilitate installation of the top hole with light vessels, providing operational and commercial benefits by enabling the subsea well foundation to be in place before the rig arrives on location.
Presented by Wolfgang Mathis , Neodrill, this presentation will run as follows:
12:00 – Session Starts –House keeping
12:05 – Introduction by chair
12:10 – Presentation by Wolfgang Mathis , Neodrill
12:40 – QA/Panel Discussion
13:00 – Session Ends
Register here
Institute of Acoustics
London Branch Online Meeting
Dr Jacob Ward BEng EngD MIOA
JOMOPANS: Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise in the North Sea
Wednesday 19th August 2020 at 6 pm
Dr Jacob Ward is a Senior Research Scientist at the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) working in the Ultrasound and Underwater Acoustics group. NPL are one of 11 organisations contributing to JOMOPANS. The aim of the three-year project is to develop a framework for a fully operational joint monitoring programme for ambient noise in the North Sea. Output will be the tools necessary for managers, planners and other stakeholders to incorporate the effects of ambient noise in their assessment of the environmental status of the North Sea and to evaluate measures to improve the environment. Jacob’s presentation will focus on the standardisation of terminology, deployment, and data processing.
For more details of IOA regional branch activities please refer to the IOA website: www.ioa.org.uk
Topics and speakers for the evening meetings are generally identified and organised by the London Branch Committee, but we always welcome new ideas and suggestions for future presentations. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or may even like to give a presentation yourself, please contact the London Branch Committee (Roslyn Andrews: [email protected])
This early evening online presentation will be held jointly with the London and South of England Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT).
Please click here for the flyer.
We invite you to attend a webinar to learn more about the competency framework for those engaged in subsea engineering activities.
This framework can be used as a career planning tool and as the basis of technical assessment for recognition in the area of practice of subsea engineering, as a Chartered Professional Engineer, Chartered Engineering Technologist or Chartered Engineering Associate.
This information session, which is a joint initiative between Engineers Australia and the Society for Underwater Technology, will include:
- What is subsea engineering
- The subsea engineering competency framework
- Its use as a career planning tool and for technical assessment
- The application and accreditation processes
- An audience Q&A session.
If you missed the SUT & EA Subsea Engineering Webinar you can now access the recording and slidepack!
Presented by Ian Wilson, here is what he had to say about the webinar:
“I enjoyed presenting the joint EA and SUT Subsea Engineering webinar with Steve Algie and was pleasantly surprised at the interest in subsea engineering. I hope to meet some of those people at future SUT technical evenings and events either online or face to face starting in October. For those who cannot attend in person stay connected via the EA and SUT webinars and online training courses. Below are links to a recording of the webinar and the SUT (Perth Branch) website for more details on how to engage in Subsea Engineering ”
View the presentation here
View the recording here
We invite you to attend our next online/skype Lunchtime Technical Meeting on the 4th August at 12 noon.
The technical meeting on Catastrophic Electrical Failures in Long Umbilicals will be presented by Neil Douglas, Viper Innovations and chaired by Si Yeaw, Aker Solutions. There will be a panel discussion at the end of the presentation.
View the flyer here.
Register now
View the presentation slides
Read the post event report here
The schedule is as follows:
12:00 – Session Starts –House keeping
12:05 – Introduction by chair Si Yeaw, Aker Solutions
12:10 – Presentation by Neil Douglas, Viper Innovations
12:40 – QA/Panel Discussion
13:00 – Session Ends
Thank you to our event sponsor: